Grateful for 150 years of service to God's people
In the last 150 years, tens of thousands of members of the Society of the Divine Word have responded to God’s call and worked tirelessly sharing God’s love and promoting peace, justice and reconciliation in diverse cultural contexts around the world.
The Society of the Divine Word, founded by Arnold Janssen in Steyl, Holland, on September 8, 1875 commences the year-long celebration of the Sesquicentennial founding anniversary with the theme Witnessing to the Light: From Everywhere For Everyone.
Tahun Yubileum SVD ke-150: “Bersaksi Tentang Terang dari …
2024年9月10日 · Pencanangan 150 tahun SVD (Societas Verbi Divini) di Keuskupan Agung Ende dilakssanakan bertepatan dengan perayaan ulang tahun ke-149 SVD di Gereja Santo Yosef Onekore, Minggu 8 September 2024. Perayaan Ekarisit Kudus pembuka Tahun Yubileum SVD ke-150 dipimpin Uskup Agung Ende, Mgr. Paul Budi …
Society of the Divine Word unveils logo for 150 years of its ... - RVA
2024年3月26日 · The Society of the Divine Word (SVD), one of the largest missionary congregations in the Catholic Church, is gearing up to mark 150 years of its existence in 2025 by releasing its official logo along with tagging #SVDat150.''
150th Anniversary of the Foundation of the Society of the Divine Word (SVD)
2024年10月31日 · 150th Anniversary of the Foundation of the Society of the Divine Word (SVD) The Society of the Divine Word, founded by Arnold Janssen in Steyl, Holland, on September 8, 1875 commences the year-long celebration of the Sesquicentennial founding anniversary with the theme Witnessing to the Light: From Everywhere For Everyone .
Divine Word Missionaries inaugurate 150th anniversary year …
2024年9月28日 · The SVD Jubilee Year will run from September 8, 2024, to the 150 th anniversary of Foundation Day on September 8, 2025, and will feature a range of celebrations in the Australia Province, which includes Australia, New Zealand, Thailand and Myanmar, and around the world.
As a religious missionary... - SVD - Witness to the Word - Facebook
2023年11月14日 · It is a significant milestone that calls for meaningful and modest celebrations. After wider consultations, the General Council has arrived at the following theme for our Society's sesquicentennial celebration: "Witnessing to the Light: From Everywhere for Everyone." #svd@150 #SVDmission #witnesstothelight
Celebrating 150 Years: 1875 - 2025 - divineword.org.au
Each symbol embodies the deep missionary spirituality of the SVD. This ritual coincided with the priestly ordination of Cuong Quoc Dang, SVD, marking the beginning of his own journey as a missionary – a witness to the Light. My reflection on this Jubilee theme is deeply inspired by this event, particularly as it relates to our Australia Province.
The 150th SVD anniversary prayer - svdssduganda
From 8th September 2024 we prepare for the opof the 150th jubilee year of the Congregation of the Divine Word, we join together and pray for our Congregation by the 150th SVD anniversary prayer. We may continue to be true witnesses of light to the world.
Prayers - 150 Anniversary Prayer of the Society of the Divine Word
2024年10月1日 · I'll respond to each prayer in person and offer it solemnly to our Lord during the Holy Mass. Holy Triune God, source of life and communion, we thank you for inspiring Saint Arnold Janssen to found the Society of the Divine Word. We extend our gratitude to those who preceded us, and to all collaborators in mission.