1534 - Wikipedia
Year 1534 (MDXXXIV) was a common year starting on Thursday of the Julian calendar. January 15 – The Parliament of England passes the Act Respecting the Oath to the Succession, recognising the marriage of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn, and their children as the legitimate heirs to the throne. [1]
Historical Events in 1534 - On This Day
Historical events from year 1534. Learn about 25 famous, scandalous and important events that happened in 1534 or search by date or keyword.
1534年 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
緬甸勃固王朝與東吁王朝戰爭 (英语:Toungoo–Hanthawaddy War)。 士瓦本同盟 因 宗教改革 造成的分裂而解散。 5月10日 —— 雅克·卡蒂亞 抵達 紐芬蘭 部分地區,即現在加拿大東海岸的 聖勞倫斯灣 加斯佩西-马德莱娜群岛区。 7月24日 —— 雅克·卡蒂亞 以 法國國王 名義佔領 沙勒爾灣 (英语:Chaleur Bay)。 8月15日 —— 聖依納爵·羅耀拉 與 聖方濟·沙勿略 、 伯鐸·法伯爾 等人共同於 巴黎 成立 耶穌會。 8月16日 —— 阿爾及利亞 海盜 海雷丁 從 突尼西亞 哈夫斯王朝 統治 …
1534 - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1534 was a common year starting on Thursday of the Julian calendar, the 1534th year of the Common Era (CE) and Anno Domini (AD) designations, the 534th year of the 2nd millennium, the 34th year of the 16th century, and the 5th year of the 1530s decade. As of the start of 1534, the Gregorian calendar was 10 days ahead of the Julian calendar ...
World History 1525-1550 AD - Historycentral
1534 AD England Breaks With Church in Rome - After the Church of Rome canceled his annulment to Catherine, and had Henry VIII excommunicated for marrying Anne Boylen, Henry breaks with Rome. He has the parliament pass the Act of Supremacy which states that the King is the supreme head of the English church, and he is the one to appoint all clergy.
1534年 - 百度百科
朝鲜明宗 (1534年-1567年),是 朝鲜 王朝的第13代君主,讳 李峘,庙号明宗,字对阳,谥号恭宪献毅昭文光肃敬孝大王,葬于杨州康陵。 明宗是文定 大妃 的亲生儿子,在她34岁诞生,被封为 庆源 大君。 之前,时为王后的文定 大妃 多次因为 金安老 的谋害而差点流产,当 庆源 大君出世,他成为中宗第二个嫡子。 花鉴贞(1534年-1592年)原姓户次,本名直贞,通称弹正忠、三郎右卫门。 日本 战国 时代、安土桃山时代的武将。 鉴贞是大友家重臣户次鉴连(立花道雪) …
1534 Archives - HISTORY
Discover what happened in this year with HISTORY’s summaries of major events, anniversaries, famous births and notable deaths. On May 10, 1534, French navigator Jacques Cartier becomes the first...
1534 AD : E. McNally : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : …
Unordered events occurring during the year of 1534AD. This information was collected as part of a lifelong project to create a historical timeline by E....
公元前1534年历史事件_公元前1534年发生过的大事件_明紀年 干支甲午 公元1534 …
孟子本年或稍前自宋过薛经鲁至邹,在鲁时,曾劝阻鲁君以慎子为将军。 孟子在由宋至邹途中曾至鲁。 鲁平公元年,《史记·鲁周公世家》:“景公二十九年卒,子叔立,是为平公。 孟子于本年自邹至滕,滕君“馆于上宫”,厚待之,孟子答滕文公多次咨询,并回答然友关于丧、毕战关于井地、公都子关于滕更之疑问。 滕文公为世子时,与孟子有交往,并赞成孟子主张,故其即位后孟子便自邹至滕。 滕文公即位时间,应在齐封田婴于薛前后。 孟子至滕后,受到了很高待遇并与滕文公 …
1534 Timeline Henry VIII the Reign
Timeline of the reign of Henry VIII for the year 1534, with important dates, concise narrative and illustrations.
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