1535 - Wikipedia
Year 1535 (MDXXXV) was a common year starting on Friday of the Julian calendar. January 18 – Lima, now the capital of Peru, is founded by Francisco Pizarro, as Ciudad de los Reyes. [1]
Historical Events in 1535 - On This Day
Historical events from year 1535. Learn about 18 famous, scandalous and important events that happened in 1535 or search by date or keyword.
1535 - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1535 (MDXXXV) was a common year starting on Friday of the Julian calendar, the 1535th year of the Common Era (CE) and Anno Domini (AD) designations, the 535th year of the 2nd millennium, the 35th year of the 16th century, and the 6th year of the 1530s decade.
How Long Ago Was 1535 AD? | HowLongAgo.net
Deep Dive: 1535 AD to Present. The year 1535 AD, or 490 years ago, was a significant time in history. Let's break down this vast timespan: Time Calculations. Years: 490; Months: 5880 months; Days: 178973 days (accounting for leap years) Hours: 4,295,340 hours; Minutes: 257,720,400 minutes; Seconds: 15,463,224,000 seconds
1535年 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
新西班牙總督轄區開始由新西班牙總督實行君權統治,總督由西班牙國王指派,首府設在墨西哥城,首任總督為安東尼奧·德·門多薩(1535年-1550年)。 葡萄牙帝國 在 印度 第烏 建造了一座堡壘。
1535 AD : E. McNally : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : …
1535 AD by E. McNally. Usage Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 Topics Timeline, history, chronology, AD, world history, memorial, McNally, handwritten, 1535AD, 1535 Collection emcnallychronology; additional_collections Language english-handwritten Item Size 3439519.
What Happened In 1535 - Historical Events 1535 - EventsHistory
Historical Events for the Year 1535. 21st January » Following the Affair of the Placards, French Protestants are burned at the stake in front of the Cathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris; 20th April » The Sun dog phenomenon observed over Stockholm and depicted in the famous painting 'Vädersolstavlan'.
公元1535年历史年表 公元1535年历史大事 公元1535年大事记_历 …
教宗利奥十一世(1535年6月2日-1605年4月27日,原名亚历山德罗·奥塔维亚诺·德·美第奇,在位期间:1605年4月1日—1605年4月27日)是天主教历史上在位时间第九短的教皇,在位仅仅二十七日。 莲池祩宏(1535年—1615年),明代杭州仁和人,俗姓沈,名祩宏,字佛慧,别号莲池,故常被称为莲池大师,又因常在云栖寺居住而被称为云栖和尚,是中国佛教净土宗的第八代祖师,与紫柏真可、憨山德清、藕益智旭并称为明代四大高僧,他提倡禅宗净土宗两者兼修的理论。 …
大事件盘点:公元1535年历史大事件 - 事件簿
托马斯·莫尔( St. Thomas More又作Sir Thomas More ,1478年2月7日(距今540年) — 1535年7月6日 )是英国的空想社会主义者 ,圣人也是《 乌托邦 》一书的作者。 1478年, 莫尔生于伦敦的一个法学家庭,毕业于牛津大学 ,曾当过律师 、国会议员、财政副大臣、国会下院 ...
AD:1535 | History Wiki | Fandom
AD: 1535. Sign in to edit View history Talk (0) Millennium: 2nd Millennium: Centuries: 15th cent. – 16th cent. – 17th cent. Decades: 1500s ...
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