1554 | New Belgium Brewing
1554 defies the style guidelines of modern beer. Although dark in color, 1554 is not a porter, stout, schwarzbier or bock. Rather, it is a rebirth of a lost beer style called zwert (Flemish for black), which uses gruit for bittering. The oldest reference to zwert beer comes from 1285.
Xingu Beer - Brazil | Imported by Total Beverage Solution
A tributary of Brazil’s great Amazon River, Xingu, rightfully serves as the namesake for this craft beer birthed in the depths of the rainforest using corn and manioc (or cassava). Writings about this legendary black beer date back to 1557, but up until the late 1980s, no modern brewer in Brazil had tackled the challenge of brewing it.
1554 | New Belgium Brewing Company - BeerAdvocate
1554 is a European Dark Lager style beer brewed by New Belgium Brewing Company in Fort Collins, CO. Score: 86 with 4,399 ratings and reviews. Last update: 03-21-2025.
Massive Beer Review 1557 Nod Hill Brewing Super Mantis Double …
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New Belgium 1554 Review: Should You Grab a Bottle of This Beer?
2023年1月9日 · Also known as New Belgium 1554 Enlightened Black Ale, this brew defies the traditional beer standard by being unique and refreshingly tasty. Its producer describes it as a variation of Zwert beer – an ancient beer style – and combines dark malts and European lager yeast to produce a beer fermented at ale temperature.
1554 - New Belgium Brewing Company - Untappd
1554 by New Belgium Brewing Company is a Dark Ale which has a rating of 3.7 out of 5, with 160,941 ratings and reviews on Untappd.
- 评论数: 16.1万
Lager or Not, Ale Like You a Lot: New Belgium’s 1554
2014年2月27日 · In a recent blog post, “Did You Notice the Change to 1554?” New Belgium enlightens us: “To be clear, both labelings are correct. (Kind of.) See, 1554 is brewed with a lager yeast, but at an ale temperature. It’s a unique beer brewed using a unique process, and classifying it in either category leaves something to be desired.”
Lodge #1557 Facilities - Elks
Beer on Tap as well as an assortment of bottled beers. Our bartenders are always ready to serve you your specialty cocktail. We have 2 pool tables, and 2 Steel tip boards & 2 electronic dart machines.
New Belgium 1554 Enlightened Dark Ale Craft Beer - Kroger
1554 Enlightened Dark Ale from New Belgium Brewing has a surprisingly bright taste and a dry, chocolaty finish. This craft beer is evocative of the dark brews enjoyed in Belgian taverns 500 years ago. Its complex flavor creates a satisfying, full mouthfeel. Even though it's a dark beer, it still balances brightness with depth.
Beer In Ads #1557: Period. - Brookston Beer Bulletin
Beer In Ads #1557: Period. May 16, 2015 By Jay Brooks Saturday’s ad is for Michelob, probably from the 1970s, which was the last decade anyone might have mistook Michelob for “one of those foreign beers.”