1568 - Wikipedia
April 23 – Eighty Years' War: The Battle of Dahlen takes place in the Duchy of Jülich near the modern-day Rheindahlen borough in the German city of Mönchengladbach, North Rhine-Westphalia. Spanish troops, commanded by Sancho d'Avila, overwhelm a larger force of Dutch rebels led by Jean de Montigny, Lord of Villers. [10]
Historical Events in 1568 - On This Day
2025年1月24日 · Historical events from year 1568. Learn about 18 famous, scandalous and important events that happened in 1568 or search by date or keyword.
1568年 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - zh.wikipedia.org
10月18日 —— 足利义昭 正式就任为 室町幕府 第十五代 征夷大将军。 北条氏政 仲介 厩桥城 的 北条高广 重归 上杉氏,并亲率大军于 萨多峠 迫使兵力居劣势的武田军退兵,与 德川家康 缔结密约共同夹击 武田信玄 占领的 骏河国。 武田信玄 鉴于兵锋受挫并考量 骏河国 难以防守,主动退回 甲斐国,但 今川氏真 因骏河国人众与 武田信玄 内通叛变,被迫逃往家臣 朝比奈泰朝 于 远江国 的 挂川城, 德川家康 接著对 曳马城 与 挂川城 发起攻击。 原 能登 大名 畠山义纲 在 六角氏 的 …
1568 - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1568 was a leap year starting on Thursday in the Julian calendar and a leap year starting on Monday in the proleptic Gregorian calendar.
1568年 - 百度百科
隆庆二年(1568)九月二十八日,总理江北等处屯盐都御史 庞尚鹏 奉命条陈盐法二十事,其中关于疏通壅滞者五条,禁止私贩者三条,调停专利偏累者四条,行盐地方者一条,盐课本折者一条,利所当与者二条,弊所当革者四条。
Rosh Chodesh Kislev 5785 - Sefaria
14 Kislev (c. 1568 BCE) – Birth of Reuben, son of Jacob. 14 Kislev (c. 1445 BCE) – Death of Reuben, son of Jacob. 20 Kislev (c. 457 BCE) – Ezra addresses a three-day assemblage of Jews in Jerusalem, telling them to adhere to the Torah and to dissolve their interfaith marriages.
1568 Archives - HISTORY
Discover what happened in this year with HISTORY’s summaries of major events, anniversaries, famous births and notable deaths. At the Battle of Langside, the forces of Mary Queen of Scots are...
Britain 1486-1688 - EuroDocs - Brigham Young University
2021年12月24日 · Containing the history of England, during the reign of Henry the Fourth, and the succeeding monarchs, to the end of the reign of Henry the Eighth, in which are particularly described the manners and customs of those periods.
What Happened In 1568 - Historical Events 1568 - EventsHistory
Historical Events for the Year 1568. 23rd March » The Peace of Longjumeau is signed, ending the second phase of the French Wars of Religion. 2nd May » Mary, Queen of Scots, escapes from Loch Leven Castle.
IMPORTANT EVENTS IN THE YEAR 1568. - history-page.com
(2. May 1568) Battle of Langside: the forces of Mary, Queen of Scots, are defeated by a confederacy of Scottish Protestants under James Stewart, Earl of Moray, her half-brother. (13. May 1568) Spanish naval forces rout an English fleet, under the command of John Hawkins, at the Battle of San Juan de Ulúa near Veracruz. (23. September 1568)