List of wars: 1500–1799 - Wikipedia
Graph of global conflict deaths from 1500 to 1799 from various sources. This is a list of wars that began between 1500 and 1799. Other wars can be found in the historical lists of wars and the …
1569 - Wikipedia
April 15 – Burmese–Siamese War: In what is now Thailand, Mahinthrathirat reclaims the throne of the Ayutthaya Kingdom upon the death of King Maha Chakkraphat. May 6 – England's St. …
Battle of Aceh (1569) - Wikipedia
The Battle of Aceh was fought in 1569 off the coast of Sumatra between a lone Portuguese carrack (nau, in Portuguese) and an armada of the Sultanate of Aceh, that was about to stage …
立窝尼亚战争 - 百度百科
利沃尼亚战争(Livonian War),是由于俄国沙皇伊凡四世(伊凡雷帝)为争夺波罗的海出海口和波罗的海东岸土地而与利沃尼亚骑士团、波兰、立陶宛(1569年合并为波兰立陶宛联邦)和 …
Union of Lublin | Poland-Lithuania, Commonwealth, 1569
Union of Lublin, (1569), pact between Poland and Lithuania that united the two countries into a single state. After 1385 (in the Union of Krewo) the two countries had been under the same …
The Wars When Siamese loose Ayutthaya to Burmese in 1569 …
This paper is presenting the studies of the results about The Wars when Ayutthaya lost city to Burmese in 1569 A.D. By used the historical documents of Thai, Laos and Burmese in …
1569年 - 百度百科
9、1569年9月13日,全欧洲最大的兵工厂--威尼斯火药厂突然发生大爆炸并波及停泊在海湾的海军舰队,损失了4艘舰船,而苏里曼二世得到的情报却是威尼斯海军舰队已全部在爆炸中化为灰 …
List of battles in 1569: War of the Worlds
Explore a comprehensive list of military conflicts and battles that took place in the year 1569, detailing participants, locations, and outcomes.
What Happened in 1569 - On This Day
What happened and who was famous in 1569? Browse important and historic events, world leaders, famous birthdays and notable deaths from the year 1569.
Poland-Lithuania, Commonwealth of, 1569–1795 - Encyclopedia.com
The Union of Lublin, signed in 1569, joined Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania into the Commonwealth (Rzeczpospolita) of Both Nations, with one elected monarch serving as king of …