Any info on 15b aircraft powerplant repairer ? : r/army - Reddit
2022年1月5日 · Active 15B here. Promotions are very slow. We’re also very over strengthened. If you want to make a career out of army aviation I suggest picking a different field. It completely depends on what type of unit you’re in when it comes to time on aircraft.
Differences between different 15 series jobs : r/Armyaviation - Reddit
2020年10月8日 · For 15T/R/U, take off broke part, put on new part. If it can be fixed by the company, then it goes to the right shop to get fixed. So yes, a 15T will pull the engine and a 15B will fix it (it is can be fixed at that level.) 15J/Y fix the weapons systems and a …
What's the difference between a 15A Aviation Officer and a 15B
2013年4月29日 · Aspiring Army Aviation Officer here. Slightly confused on the difference between a 15A and a 15B. According to this article at usmilitary.about.com, a 15A is a "General Aviation" Officer whereas a 15B is an "Aviation Combined Arms Operations" Officer. In short, 15B's seem to command aviation units while 15A's...well, I'm not sure.
MOS Megathread Series -- CMF 15 -- Aviation Branch, No Real
15B Aviation Combined Arms Operations 15C Aviation All-Source Intelligence Officer 15D Aviation Maintenance Officer Enlisted. 15B Aircraft Powerplant Repairer 15D Aircraft Powertrain Repairer 15E Unmanned Aircraft Systems Repairer 15F Aircraft Electrician 15G Aircraft Structural Repairer 15H Aircraft Pneudraulics Repairer
Possible First Duty Stations / Assignments by MOS : r/army - Reddit
2017年3月28日 · 15B 15D Bliss, Bragg, Campbell, Carson, Drum, Hood, Hunter, Lewis, Riley ... Getting out of the Army now ...
15 series MOS. How have you benefitted? : r/army - Reddit
2016年6月3日 · Congratulations to Team 40 Sgt. Matthew Dunphy and 1st Lt. Andrew Winski with the 75th Ranger Regiment for winning the 40th anniversary of the Army’s Best Ranger Competition. This is the fourth straight victory for the Regiment.
2021 /Army MOS Megathread Series - CMF 15 - Reddit
15B Aviation Combined Arms Operations 15C Aviation All-Source Intelligence Officer 15D Aviation Maintenance Officer Enlisted. 15B Aircraft Powerplant Repairer 15D Aircraft Powertrain Repairer 15E Unmanned Aircraft Systems Repairer 15F Aircraft Electrician 15G Aircraft Structural Repairer 15H Aircraft Pneudraulics Repairer
MOS Megathread Series -- CMF 15 -- Aviation Branch, Pilots - Reddit
2018年8月14日 · Look up the Citation 5 Ultra - it's just that with an Army sticker on the side. C-20/C-37: Gulfstream jets. You will only fly this is you are a 155F AND you landed yourself in USAPAT in D.C. Congrats, you made it to the absolute pinnacle of Army aviation. These typically carry people like 4-star generals and the Secretary of the Army/Defense.
Any 15B’s out there ? : r/Armyaviation - Reddit
2023年2月2日 · The Army likes to be dumb and have overlapping codes. Technically officers don’t have an MOS, they have an “AOC” which is area of concentration (not a questionable politician) but for practical purposes everyone just uses the term MOS to describe your job code. So 15B is an airframe power plant repairer for enlisted and a post CCC for ...
MOS RECLASS - 25H or 15B : r/army - Reddit
I was a 15N and got on at a major defense contracting company building whirlybirds with just AIT and a deployment under my belt. Made low 50's at the time (21 yo) w/ no college. Springboarded that to an electrical engineering degree and now make …