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WaveShare LCD1602 系列
PAGE 7. 6. QC/QA PROCEDURE. Parts QA Dept. LCD Mfg. Dept. LCM QA Dept. Parts Soldering Soldering Inspection Parts Acceptance Inspection LCM Assembling High Temp.
通用1602液晶显示模块使用手册 ☆☆☆☆ Email: [email protected] 一. 基本特征 1.显示特性 z 单5V电源电压,低功耗、长寿命、高可靠性 z 内置 192 种字符(160 个5×7 点阵字符和32 …
I2C Serial Interface 1602 LCD Module This is I2C interface 16x2 LCD display module, a high-quality 2 line 16 character LCD module with on-board contrast control adjustment, backlight …
Instruction is received from MPU to ST7066U-0A for the display control. The following table shows various instructions. EONE ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD.
CL2 Vdd,Vss,V1~V5 External contrast adjustment. The LCD display Module is built in a LSI controller, the controller has two 8-bit registers, an instruction register (IR) and a data register …
1. mechanical specification item standard value unit number of characters 16 characters x 2 lines -- character format 5x8dots -- module dimension 80.0 (w) x36.0(h) x13.0(t) mm viewing display …
所谓1602 是指显示的内容为16*2,即可以显示两行,每行16 个字符。 目前市面上字符液晶绝大多数 是基于HD44780 液晶芯片的,控制原理是完全相同的,因此基于HD44780 写的控制程序 …
LCD1602液晶完整中文资料.pdf · little_yzp/LCD_DIS_Chinese - Gitee
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通常所见到的1602 模块的规格基本如下: 模块内置字符类型为西文字符,具体请参考文档后面附带的字符表。 如jhd162a 的模块当中,每个字符的点阵情况如下图: 1.2 结构及引脚示意 下 …
深圳市微雪电子有限公司 waveshareelectronicsco.,ltd-----5