how to set up email aount [email protected]. SMTP.163.com
2014年4月12日 · The provider has provided all server informaion...as following, 1) server IMAP, address imap.163.com, SSL 993, other than SSL 143, 2) server SMTP, address smtp.163.com, SSL 465/994. other than SSL 25 3) server pop3, address pop.163.com, SSL 995, other than SSL 110 I set the account manually setting the SSL to 993 etc, then save without testing.
Thunderbird 中的 “邮箱目录” - Mozilla Support
2019年4月4日 · 对 邮箱目录(Maildir) 的可选支持允许每个电子邮件使用单个唯一文件(使用 EML 数据格式),不同于默认的每个文件夹一个文件的单文件格式,即 mbox。
把您的POP邮件帐户与全局收件箱统一起来 | Thunderbird 帮助
2018年8月29日 · Thunderbird 可以把多个POP账户的收件箱合并为一个全局收件箱,这样收到的所有邮件都可以更方便地在一处显示。
Thunderbird having trouble saving to Draft and Sent
2017年5月22日 · The only remedy that was out there is: - Write down settings information of given mailbox, - Remove that mailbox completely - Create a new mailbox, put all the IMAP/SMTP info in there again - Wait until Thunderbird uploads all the Inbox, Draft, Send, Bulk, Trash folders e-mails again. - Saving to any folder should be working now.
"Unable to write the email to the mailbox...." - Mozilla Support
On 9/10/24, I tried to download my email and got the message: "Unable to write the email to the mailbox. Make sure the file system allows you write privileges, and you have enough disk space to copy the mailbox." To my knowledge, nothing had changed on my Win 10 computer, so why this is suddenly showing up is unclear.
Email folders cannot be synced with @163.com - Mozilla Support
2023年2月21日 · how to set up email aount [email protected]. SMTP.163.com; Can't Send Email DT:SPAM; I can't get or send emails using Thunderbird. Microsoft OAuth Authentication and Thunderbird in 2024; Dangerous directories; Organize your messages with filters
Thunderbird的配置文件 | Thunderbird 帮助 - Mozilla Support
Thunderbird 保存个人信息诸如消息,密码和使用者偏好在一套叫做“配置文件”的文件中被保存在一个和 Thunderbird 主程序分开的地方。
Thunderbird のプロファイル | Thunderbird ヘルプ - Mozilla Support
2023年12月27日 · Thunderbird は、メッセージやパスワード、ユーザー設定などの個人情報を「プロファイル」と呼ばれる場所に保存します。
更改 Mozilla 账号的主要邮件地址 | Mozilla 账户 帮助
如果您注册了两个电子邮件,Mozilla 账户现在允许您更改主要电子邮件地址。 您需要将首选电子邮件添加为辅助电子邮件。
the size of the mailbox | Thunderbird Support Forum - Mozilla …
2020年8月31日 · I was having the same issue with mailbox full using thunderbird the problem wasnt Thunderbird.I have a gmail account and google only allows 15GB of free storage on google drive and pictures and emails so I was having my phone backups go to my google drive without deleting older backups eventually my google drive filled up to max limit and that ...