1632 - Wikipedia
1632 was a leap year starting on Thursday of the Gregorian calendar and a leap year starting on Sunday of the Julian calendar, the 1632nd year of the Common Era (CE) and Anno Domini (AD) designations, the 632nd year of the 2nd millennium, the 32nd year of the 17th century, and the 3rd year of the 1630s decade. As of the start of 1632, the ...
Historical Events in 1632 - On This Day
2015年7月23日 · Historical events from year 1632. Learn about 19 famous, scandalous and important events that happened in 1632 or search by date or keyword.
1632年 - 百度百科
1632年, 壬申 年(猴年);明 崇祯 五年;后金 天聪 六年; 越南 德隆四年;日本 宽永 九年。 崇祯五年(1632)六月初六日,黄河于孟津决口。 崇祯年间,黄河多次决口,军民商户死伤无数。 百姓转徙,到处乞食,无路可走,乃聚而造反。 崇祯五年(1632)八月,朝廷命朱大典巡抚山东,救 莱州。 大典率兵数万及关中劲旅抵德州,杀叛敌陈有时,后兵分三路,金国奇率兵从中路进昌平,总兵陈洪范率兵从南路进, 参将 王之富等从北路进。 诸军皆带三天粮至沙河, 孔有德 …
1632 in England - Wikipedia
Events from the year 1632 in England. 15 June – Sir Francis Windebank is made chief Secretary of State. 20 June – A royal charter issued for the foundation of Maryland colony in North America. Lord Baltimore appointed as the first governor.
What Happened In History Year 1632 - EventsHistory
Historical Events for the Year 1632. 29th March » Treaty of Saint-Germain-en-Laye (1632) known as Treaty of Saint-Germain is signed returning Quebec to French control after the English had seized it in 1629. 23rd July » Three hundred colonists bound for New France depart from Dieppe, Seine-Maritime e.g Dieppe, France.
1632 - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1632 was a leap year starting on Thursday of the Gregorian calendar and a leap year starting on Sunday of the Julian calendar, the 1632nd year of the Common Era (CE) and Anno Domini (AD) designations, the 632nd year of the 2nd millennium, the 32nd year of the 17th century, and the 3rd year of the 1630s decade. As of the start of 1632, the ...
公元1632年历史年表 公元1632年历史大事 公元1632年大事记_历 …
2019年3月7日 · 1632年,壬申年(猴年);明崇祯五年;后金天聪六年;越南德隆四年;日本宽永九年。 中文名 1632年 简介 壬申年(猴年); 年代 明崇祯五年 大事记 黄河决于孟津 逝世人物 宋珏(1
大事件盘点:公元1632年历史大事件 - 事件簿
德川秀忠(1579年5月12日(距今439年)—1632年1月24日),是德川家康三子,母亲为侧室西乡局(西乡阿爱),幼名长松丸。 因为长兄松平信康早年因涉嫌内通武田信玄被织田信长勒令切腹,次兄结城秀康成为结城家的养子,因而秀忠官位从一位太政大臣成为德川 ...
1632年发生的大事件、1632年重大事件、新闻大事件摘抄记录-历 …
1632年发生的大事件有哪些? 历史上今天官网整合了1632年重大事件、1632新闻大事件摘抄、1632年大事记等,供大家参考查阅,希望对广大用户有所帮助!
Chinese year 1632
What chinese year is 1632? Chinese zodiac animals, love compatibility, horoscope and lucky numbers.