CAT 1693 - Specs and the story on them? | The Diesel Garage
2006年11月1日 · The point of the thread isnt to debate which motor is better he is just wondering what the story of the 1693 is, not to say that its better than a cummins. The four and a quarter cat, is that a 1693 or a 3406? I always hear how good they were but was just wondering which model people are refering to.
what do you think about a cat 1693? - The Diesel Garage
2012年1月4日 · In the truck version (1693) they had ratings well down in the low 300's 325 comes to mind. They are the same displacement as a 3406 but that is about all they share. The industrials I think used a different designation. The Dozer version is the D343. Basically the same motor so I'm told.
CAT 1693 - Specs and the story on them? | Page 2 - The Diesel …
2007年2月23日 · It wasn't the model 3406. I have doubts if it was a 1673B,c,1674, 1693 or if it was a special production that was made1972 (1693) but I remember clearly is the big triangle shape cover behind the block, the flywheel on top of the shell. The seal was around the size of a dinner plate (10"-12"). Do you remember seeing a seal like this?
Caterpillar 1693 Specs + Pics? | The Diesel Garage
2008年3月13日 · My 1693 gets better fuel mileage (4.103 avg. last month) than my 06 acert (3.628 avg.) and it pulls 10 to 16 thousand # per load more weight at 13 mph faster in the hills. Average weights grossing 105,000 to 120,000. Far as …
CAT 1693 - Specs and the story on them? | Page 3 - The Diesel …
2009年1月1日 · I know I'd get there faster, and it got better fuel mileage than the acert. Though that isn't saying much. I pull a 5 axle b-train with drop decks hauling alfalfa hay and gross between 100,000 and 125,000 most the time loaded one way, between 160 and 250 miles round trip. The 1693 would get right around 4 mpg on this haul.
Caterpillar 1693 Specs + Pics? | Page 2 | The Diesel Garage
2007年2月23日 · My 1693 gets better fuel mileage (4.103 avg. last month) than my 06 acert (3.628 avg.) and it pulls 10 to 16 thousand # per load more weight at 13 mph faster in the hills. Average weights grossing 105,000 to 120,000. Far as …
1693TA arrangement nos. for head rebuild | The Diesel Garage
2010年5月7日 · For information, the 1693 was billed as the first “million mile” engine. This was Cats claim that you wouldn’t need a major rebuild for one million miles. This proved to be a bit ambitious, but it did sell engines, and the 1693 & it’s sister engine the D343 were popular until the introduction of the 3406s, which were a much cheaper ...
turbo for 1693 | The Diesel Garage
2010年10月31日 · 1693 Turbo I have checked my resources sorry they don't have any rat holed away. I was told watch what you buy. Their are industrial turbo's out there. You do not want one of those because they will not respond correctly. I will try to get a number for the correct turbo. As far as the pump goes you may need to change the torque spring.
Truck throwing codes P0500, P1693, P0463 | The Diesel Garage
2007年5月15日 · 2002 dodge 2500 4x4, ATS stage 5 tranny, ATS billet flexplate, ATS torque commander, ARP headstuds, BHAF, custom S300 64/14 turbo, Big FASS fuel system, Industrial 10 holes, .093 tubes, Edge juice w/ attitude, smarty, Haisley streep puller cam, Hamilton Diesel head and orings, PDR valve springs, ATS exhaust manifold, Gauges, 285/75/16 BFG allterrians, front and rear replacements, and 5" exhaust.
turning up a 1693 - The Diesel Garage
2010年2月23日 · Thanks Cody. You ever thought of putting air to air on one. Was over at a buddies the other night and he had a charge air cooler that he picked up with some misc.stuff that looks like it would fit on my Pete pretty easy. Or at least from looking at his it did. Don't know if the rads are diffrent from a 74 to a 82 or a big cam to 1693. Just a ...