Rescued 17kg cat in Russia dies - The Straits Times
2024年10月29日 · An overweight rescued cat in Russia that became a minor social media celebrity in end-August for having tipped the scales at 17kg – the weight of an average four …
俄羅斯「17公斤胖橘」紅遍全網!被抓去減肥瘦身成功 病情惡化突 …
2024年10月29日 · 俄羅斯有一隻名為麵包屑(Kroshik)的流浪貓因體重過重而爆紅,牠因長期食用餅乾、濃湯等不健康食物,體重飆升至38磅(約17公斤),引起了人們的關注。 為了改善 …
Too fat to walk: 17kg cat rescued from Russian hospital, put on diet
2024年9月9日 · The orange tabby tipped the scales at a massive 17kg – the average weight of a four-year-old child, according to media reports. As a result, Kroshik, or Crumbs in English, was …
Rescued 17kg cat in Russia gets stuck in shoe rack when trying to ...
2024年9月18日 · Kroshik – Russian for Crumbs – had tipped the scales at 17kg, around the weight of an average four-year-old child, and was put on a diet and exercise regime at the …
Giant Cat “Crumb” That Weighs Nearly 40 lb Was Rescued From …
2024年9月11日 · Kroshik—which translates to “Crumbs”— weighed 17 kg (38 pounds) when he was found in Perm. The large feline’s diet consisted of crackers, soup, and meat.
17-kg cat abandoned at Russia hospital 'too fat to walk', put on
A cat in Russia was found to be a whopping 17 kg - equivalent to a small human child - when it was rescued from the basement of a hospital, where the staff had been feeding him an...
17kg cat, who 'couldn't even walk', rescued from Russia hospital, …
2024年9月10日 · Kroshik, or Crumbs in English, weighed 17kg when rescued from a Russia hospital basement by Matroskin Shelter. In comparison, domestic cats weigh approximately …
Chonky Cat: Crumb the chonky cat: 17kg cat who 'couldn't even …
2024年9月9日 · Kroshik, also known as Crumbs, was found in a Russian hospital basement weighing an unhealthy 17kg due to excessive feeding by staff. Now at Matroskin Shelter, he is …
Cat weighing 17 kg found in Russia, put on strict diet and exercise ...
2024年9月10日 · Kroshik, an obese cat weighing 17 kg, was rescued by the Matroskin Shelter in Perm, Russia. He's now on a strict diet and exercise plan to regain his health.
Russia: 17kg cat rescued from Russian hospital and put on a diet
2024年9月9日 · A cat found living in the basement of a hospital in Russia was so overweight that it couldn’t walk when rescuers found it