Oxygen-17 - Wikipedia
Oxygen-17 (17O) is a low-abundance, natural, stable isotope of oxygen (0.0373% in seawater; approximately twice as abundant as deuterium).
Oxygen-17 - isotopic data and properties - ChemLin
Oxygen-17 is a stable isotope of the chemical element oxygen. The atomic nucleus of the nulide consists of 8 neutrons and the 8 protons specific to the element; The sum of these nucleons gives them a mass number of 17. See also: list of Oxygen isotopes. Direct parent isotopes are: 17 N, 17 F.
Isotopes of oxygen - Wikipedia
There are three known stable isotopes of oxygen (8 O): 16 O, 17 O, and 18 O. Radioactive isotopes ranging from 11 O to 28 O have also been characterized, all short-lived. The longest-lived radioisotope is 15 O with a half-life of 122.266(43) s, while the …
氧的同位素 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
17 O的豐度為0.037%, 18 O為0.204%,是微量的穩定同位素。 17 O主要是在恆星的 碳氮氧循環 中,氫燃燒產生氦時合成的 [6]。 而 18 O是 14 N捕獲 4 He合成的(14 N由碳氮氧循環產生)。 因此, 17 O主要於恒星的氫殼富集, 18 O主要於恒星的氦殼富集。 [6] 氧有十三种 放射性同位素 已获得表征,其中最稳定的是 半衰期 122.24秒的 15 O和半衰期70.606秒的 14 O。 [5] 剩下的放射性同位素的半衰期都小于27秒,大部分甚至小于0.1秒。 [5] 半衰期77.4毫秒的 24 O和 28 Ne 都 …
17O核磁共振:最新进展和应用,Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry
本综述重点关注液相17 O 核磁共振 (NMR) 在无机、有机和生化分子中应用的最新成就,重点关注其结构、构象和(生物)化学行为。 综述由四个基本部分组成,即:(1)简单分子; (2)水与氢键; (3)金属氧化物、簇合物和络合物; (4)生物分子。 实验17 O NMR 化学位移已彻底制成表格。 对于无机和有机分子,它们的范围几乎高达 650 ppm(从 -35.6 到 +610.0 ppm),而对于生物物种,这个范围要宽得多,约为 1350 ppm(从 -12 到 +1332 ppm),对于血红素蛋白和血红素 …
Oxygen O-17 | O2 | CID 10197606 - PubChem
2021年5月7日 · Oxygen O-17 | O2 | CID 10197606 - structure, chemical names, physical and chemical properties, classification, patents, literature, biological activities, safety/hazards/toxicity information, supplier lists, and more.
Global and local meteoric water lines for δ17O/δ18O and the ...
2023年11月4日 · Recently, δ17 O and its excess (Δ ′ 17 O) have become increasingly significant “triple-oxygen-isotope” indicators of distinctive hydrological processes in hydrology and climatology.
( 17 O) Oxygen NMR - chem.ch.huji.ac.il
Oxygen has one naturally occurring NMR active nucleus, 17 O. It has a spin of 5/2 and is therefore quadrupolar, yielding broad signals even for the smallest of molecules that become too broad to observe in a high resolution spectrometer even for medium sized molecules.
Oxygen-17 - Wikiwand
Oxygen-17 (17 O) is a low-abundance, natural, stable isotope of oxygen (0.0373% in seawater; approximately twice as abundant as deuterium).
O-17水 - 武汉光谱同位素科技有限公司 - spe-chems.com
17氧-水是指将17氧与水分子结合而成的化合物。 由于17氧的存在量极少,因此在实验中使用17氧-水可以追踪水分子在生物体内的运动和代谢过程。 网站首页
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