17-4 and condition A - Metal and Metallurgy engineering
2005年1月20日 · 2.6.9 17-4PH Comments and Properties — Alloy 17-4PH is a precipitation-hardening, martensitic stainless steel used for parts requiring high strength and good corrosion and oxidation resistance up to 600EF. The alloy is available in all product forms. Manufacturing Considerations — 17-4PH is readily forged, machined, welded, and brazed.
Passivation Problems with 17-4 SS - Eng-Tips
2005年9月7日 · Hydrochloric Acid isn't recommended for use cleaning 17/4PH SS. 17/4 that has been mistreated during heat treatment can be a little hard to clean. The best way to eliminate cleaning problems is to correct the heat treatment problems. The recommended cleaning procedure is a Nitric/Hydrofluoric bath, normally 12% HNO3 / 2% HF v/v @ RT.
303 SS Vs 17-4 - Metal and Metallurgy engineering - Eng-Tips
2005年7月28日 · This will not help, 17-4 will gall with 303. Basically all stainless steel combinations such as 303, 410, 420, 416, 17-4, 15-5 will gall with each other when you pressfit one to the other. Sometimes it will not gall but when you least expect it, it will gall.
Welding in 17-4 PH (UNS S17400) - Eng-Tips
2006年10月30日 · Top two hits from a Google search using the term "17-4 PH data sheet". 17-4 is weldable, but you would need to re-solution heat treat prior to age treatment. "The precipitation hardening class of stainless
17-4 PH vs 420 Stainless Steel 3 - Eng-Tips
2016年10月15日 · If so I would consider making the links in 420 and the pin in 17-4PH. You could temper the 420 at 1000F and age the 17-4 at 1050F, this would put both of them at about 150ksi UTS (35-40 HRC). If you need more toughness you should higher temps (and lower strengths).
Minimum allowable temperature of 316 ss and 17-4 ss 2 - Eng-Tips
2004年11月23日 · "The impact strength of 17-4PH, especially large size bar in the H900 and H925 conditions, may be very low at subzero temperatures; consequently, the use of 17-4PH for critical applications at low temperatures should be avoided. For non-impact applications, such as valve seats, parts in the H925 condition have performed satisfactorily down to ...
Galling 17-4 - Metal and Metallurgy engineering - Eng-Tips
2004年2月18日 · We had several failures with gas nitrided 17/4 both from the nitriding process itself and the inservice application. Also we had another application using both liquid nitrided 303 SS and liquid nitrided 17/4 where we got excellent results. 303 SS doesn’t gas nitride very well.
316 vs. 17-4 Corrosion - Metal and Metallurgy engineering
2014年5月15日 · Hi, I have two parts, one made from 316 SS and one made from 17-4 SS. They were both exposed to the same substance, I don't know what this substance was but it corroded the 17-4 until it fell apart and left the 316 SS in mint condition. Does anyone have any thoughts on what kind of of...
Elementary question about 17-4 / 17-4PH / 17-4 Double Aged
2024年10月31日 · Stainless steel 17-4 HH1150 is stainless steel grade 17-4, also known as 630 alloy, that has been heat treated twice at a temperature between 1140° F and 1160° F for 3.75 hours to 4.25 hours. The steel will become softer than it is in the annealed condition after being treated at such a high temperature."
Stainless Galling Between Nitronic 60 and 17-4 or 4140 1 - Eng-Tips
2012年3月27日 · Also, some of the anti-sieze is D.C. MP-50, some is G67 Molykote, some is G-N Metal Assembly Paste. None of them seem to work on 17-4 to 17-4. But keep in mind we are torquing these parts to a couple hundred foot pounds, and they are being assembled and disassembled multiple times by the customer. I just can't get over how expensive Nitronic 60 is.