1718 - Wikipedia
1718 (MDCCXVIII) was a common year starting on Saturday of the Gregorian calendar and a common year starting on Wednesday of the Julian calendar, the 1718th year of the Common Era (CE) and Anno Domini (AD) designations, the 718th year of the 2nd millennium, the 18th year of the 18th century, and the 9th year of the 1710s decade.
1718 - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1718 was a common year starting on Saturday of the Gregorian calendar and a common year starting on Wednesday of the Julian calendar, the 1718th year of the Common Era (CE) and Anno Domini (AD) designations, the 718th year of the 2nd millennium, the 18th year of the 18th century, and the 9th year of the 1710s decade. As of the start of 1718 ...
1718 AD : E. McNally : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : …
Unordered events occurring during the year of 1718AD. This information was collected as part of a lifelong project to create a historical timeline by E....
Relationship between the Landslides Triggered by the Tongwei …
关键词 1718 AD Tongwei M71/2 earthquake Yongning Ancient Town Earthquake-triggered landslides Loess Plateau 分类号 P642.22 [天文地球—工程地质学] P315.9 [天文地球—地震学]
国家地震科学数据中心 - Earthquake
Relationship between the Landslides Triggered by the Tongwei M7 1/2 Earthquake in 1718 AD and the Disappearance of Yongning Ancient Town
A case study on AD 1718 Tongwei - 仁和软件
本文选取1718年通渭地震滑坡为研究对象,依据“将今论古”的地质学方法,探索历史强震震害的现今遥感解译方法.同时以完整的汶川地震滑坡数据库为参照,分析解译滑坡数据库在历史地震震源参数确定方面的应用价值.本文的研究方法探索为我国黄土高原地区,特别是青藏高原东北缘地区的若干历史强震触发地震滑坡的研究提供方法借鉴. 与现今地震发生后通过快速的震前、震后高分辨率卫星影像的对比分析,可以快速解译,得到某次地震事件触发滑坡的完整数据库不同,历史强 …
A case study on AD 1718 Tongwei M 7.5 earthquake triggered …
Under the geological principle of "The present is the key of the past", this paper takes the landslides triggered by the Tongwei M7.5 earthquake in AD 1718 as the research object, using the methods of the historical literature analysis, remote sensing interpretation and fieldwork, obtains the Tongwei Earthquake Landslide Database (TELD).
大事件盘点:公元1718年历史大事件 - 事件簿
1718年6月19日(距今298年) (清康熙五十七年五月二十一日),甘肃通渭7.5级地震形成的赵家窑滑坡和通渭滑坡,不仅滑坡体大,且伤亡惨重。 清康熙年间巩建中写的“地震记异”,详细记述了赵家?滑坡埋藏永安镇的情景:“震时天暗淡,光雾撩,震声轰轰不绝,过迅雷十倍。 北山一带山崩土飞,壅渭而奔,直扑于南山腰,将环镇二十里属人压之,其平地冲为高阜,倾陷坳垤,淤泥若漆,令人怵目而惨心重,一如通渭也。 详情... 戏剧家孔尚任孔尚任(1648―1718),字聘之, …
1718年发生的大事件、1718年重大事件、新闻大事件摘抄记录-历 …
1718年8月25日 法国移民在路易斯安那建成新奥尔良市。 西藏拉萨发生“3·14”打... 1718年发生的大事件有哪些? 历史上今天官网整合了1718年重大事件、1718新闻大事件摘抄、1718年大事记等,供大家参考查阅,希望对广大用户有所帮助!
1718年号_1718纪年年号_1718皇帝年号查询 - guoxuemi.com
如果你想知道:贞观8年是那一年或康熙10年是那一年,怎么办呢? 用历史年号查询 轻松解决这个问题 。 注意:年份查询请输入-2953至2012的数字;年号查询请输入年号的汉字,如:康熙、贞观。 国学大师网 旗下网站;本站内容均为民国之前的公共版权领域古籍,仅供学习研究。 内容由热心网友提供和网上收集,不保留版权。 若侵犯了您的权益,来信即刪。 [email protected].