1725672 Phoenix Contact | Connectors, Interconnects | DigiKey
Order today, ships today. 1725672 – 4 Position Wire to Board Terminal Block Horizontal with Board 0.100" (2.54mm) Through Hole from Phoenix Contact. Pricing and Availability on millions of electronic components from Digi-Key Electronics.
MPT 0,5/ 4-2,54 - PCB terminal block - 1725672 | Phoenix Contact
Printed circuit board terminal, nominal current: 6 A, rated voltage (III/2): 160 V, nominal cross section: 0.5 mm 2, number of potentials: 4, number of rows: 1, number of positions per row: 4, product range: MPT 0,5, pitch: 2.54 mm, connection method: Screw connection with tension sleeve, screw head form: L Slotted, mounting: Wave soldering, con...
MPT 0,5/ 4-2,54 - PCB端子 - 1725672 | Phoenix Contact
为了安全的导线连接,请始终以规定的拧紧扭矩安装。 尤其是在使用两位或三位PCB端子时,各个触点的单个焊针无法对此进行补偿。 这就是在连接导线时必须对端子进行固定支撑的原因(单手固定,支持在外壳上)。 环境温度与固定式连接器的温升之和不应超过温度上限。
1725672 Phoenix Contact | Mouser - Mouser Electronics
2 天之前 · These Phoenix Contact connectors are ideal for industrial electronics, and some are also qualified for Ex or rail sector applications. The pluggable terminal blocks let designers find the right assembly and connection technology. The range of products includes screw, push-in spring, displacement, and crimp connectors.
1725672_Phoenix Contact(菲尼克斯)_1725672中文资料_PDF手册_ …
1725672由Phoenix Contact(菲尼克斯)设计生产,立创商城现货销售。 1725672价格参考¥8.19。 Phoenix Contact(菲尼克斯) 1725672参数名称:结构:1x4P;间距:2.54mm;颜色:绿色;安装方式:直插;总PIN数:4P;排数:1;每排PIN数:4;额定电流:6A;额定电压:125V;线规 - …
1725672 Phoenix Contact | 连接器,互连器件 | DigiKey
来自 Phoenix Contact 的 1725672 – 4 接线板 - 线至板 水平,带板 0.100"(2.54mm) 通孔。 DigiKey 提供数以百万计电子元器件的定价和供应信息。
1725672-Phoenix (菲尼克斯)接线端子 [现货 价格 数据手册 代理 …
Phoenix (菲尼克斯)公司的1725672,是接线端子器件,华秋商城1725672的实时价格是6.58560,有现货库存124个,1725672的简介是螺钉式接线端子 间距2.54mm 1x4Pin 直插,可查询参数、pdf、datasheet、中文资料等信息,华秋商城自营现货库存,当天发货,官方代理渠 …
MPT 0,5/ 4-2,54 - PCB terminal block - 1725672 | Phoenix Contact
Printed circuit board terminal, nominal current: 6 A, rated voltage (III/2): 160 V, nominal cross section: 0.5 mm 2, number of potentials: 4, number of rows: 1, number of positions per row: 4, product range: MPT 0,5, pitch: 2.54 mm, connection method: Screw connection with tension sleeve, screw head form: L Slotted, mounting: Wave soldering, con...
1725672 Phoenix Contact | 連接器、互連元件 | DigiKey
Phoenix Contact 的 1725672 – 4 端子台 - 線對板 水平、帶板 0.100" (2.54mm) 通孔式。 DigiKey 提供數百萬款電子元件的價格及供貨情況。
For safe conductor connection, always adhere to a defined tightening torque. Particularly in the case of PCB terminal blocks with two or three positions, the individual solder pin for each contact point cannot compensate for this.