1733 - Wikipedia
1733 (MDCCXXXIII) was a common year starting on Thursday of the Gregorian calendar and a common year starting on Monday of the Julian calendar, the 1733rd year of the Common Era …
Historical Events in 1733 - On This Day
2025年1月13日 · Oct 10 France declares war on Holy Roman Emperor Charles VI. Historical events from year 1733. Learn about 14 famous, scandalous and important events that …
1733 in Great Britain - Wikipedia
Events from the year 1733 in Great Britain. 23 January – first performance of George Frideric Handel 's opera Orlando, at the His Majesty's Theatre in London. [2] 12 February – British …
公元1733年历史年表 公元1733年历史大事 公元1733年大事记_历 …
2019年3月7日 · 1733年癸丑年(牛年);清 雍正 十一 年;越南龙德二年; 日本 享保十八年。 约翰·凯发明飞梭。 《乾隆大藏经》开始编制。 清廷下令各省军设置书院,供士人考科举之用。 …
1733 AD : E. McNally : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : …
Unordered events occurring during the year of 1733AD. This information was collected as part of a lifelong project to create a historical timeline by E....
What Happened In 1733 - Historical Events 1733 - EventsHistory
2017年1月5日 · Historical Events for the Year 1733. 12th February » Englishman James Oglethorpe founds Georgia (U.S. state) named Georgia, the 13th colony of the Thirteen …
1733年 - 百度百科
1733年 癸丑 年(牛年); 清 雍正十一年;越南龙德二年;日本 享保 十八年。 约翰·凯发明飞梭。 《乾隆大藏经》开始编制。 清廷下令各省军设置书院,供士人考 科举 之用。 西班牙 与 法 …
1733年 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
西班牙 與 法國 簽署首次「家族協議」,達成長達半世紀的同盟關係。 10月5日,在 法國 國王 路易十五 的支持下, 奥古斯特三世 继承其父 奥古斯特二世,引起 波兰王位继承战争。
What Happened in 1733 - On This Day
What happened and who was famous in 1733? Browse important and historic events, world leaders, famous birthdays and notable deaths from the year 1733.
World History 1725-1750 AD - Historycentral
1733 AD War of Polish Succession Begins - With the death of Poland’s King Augustus II a war broke out to determine who would succeed him. Russia and Prussia demanded his legitimate …