hw45 177 or 22 whats best - AirgunBBS.com
2009年2月2日 · Rtagunner Have a .22 HW 45 and a .177 HW 40PCA, they are both knockout guns, in the 45 .22 for sheer clout, .177 for target shooting, both very accurate, the 40 is an …
Zero Distance For .177 and .22 - AirgunBBS.com
2015年1月18日 · I'll zero at 30 for both .177 and .22 and then use the mill-dots from there on in, my .177-95k wears a Hawke Reflex 3-10x44 on occasion, with the mag set on 10x and the rifle …
Air rifle power vs. .22 rimfire?
2008年10月27日 · I know, .22 rimfire is generally more powerful But my question is: what muzzle velocity would be necessary for a conventional .177 or .22 air gun pellet to reach the muzzle …
.177 or .22? - airgunbbs.com
2024年5月10日 · I live down the road from the Yuasa battery people in Swindon. Might stop by some local farmers and see if I can get permissions to control any live and neutral charged …
Bsa supersport adjustable transfer port - AirgunBBS.com
2015年10月19日 · Morning all Not to sure if the is the best place for this question,finally managed to get a supersport in .25 😀,however comparing it to my other ones (.177 &.22) it has the …
Pro Sport - .177 or .22? - airgunbbs.com
2020年5月22日 · I have both .177 and .22 Pro Sports and I wouldn’t part with either. Naturally, the .177 is more fiddly to load. If you can’t decide, follow my example, flip a coin and buy either …
Walther Century .177 Or .22? - AirgunBBS.com
2018年7月1日 · Which calibre is the Walther Century better in out of the box .177 or .22?
Airgun slugs... My final verdict.
2024年11月12日 · As such there´s math this is to be based on (Miller twist rule and so forth), and much of this is to be found online as are calculators thereof. In all this i presuppose that we´ll …
hw80 .22 or .177 - airgunbbs.com
2011年3月24日 · hi me and my mate both have hw80 one in .177 and one in .22 [both fully tuned] at 11.30 ft lbs the .22 is a better rifle to shoot [not as jumpy] so id say .22. the most you will get …
.177 or .22 for squirrels - airgunbbs.com
2007年8月15日 · Did all my Squirrel hunting with my .22 Venom 80 for years. But now use a S400k or S410 both .177, I've reached the conclusion that if you hit the mark with eithe calibre …