You can use an ac output module (Cat. No. 1771 OA, 1771 OD or 1771 OP) to directly drive terminals on an ac (120V) input module (Cat. No. 1771 ID16), but you must connect a 2.5K ohm, 10W resistor between the output terminal an L2 (common).
Relay contact output modules receive power through the 1771 I/O chassis backplane from the chassis power supply. Refer to the module specifications on pages 11 through 24 for the current required from the power supply (in mA) to operate the module.
To install the ac output module in your 1771 I/O chassis, follow the steps listed below. ATTENTION: Remove power from the 1771 I/O chassis backplane and field wiring arm before removing or installing an I/O module.
A-B罗克韦尔 1791-OA16 是一款模块 I/O 离散输入模块 - 网易
2023年8月30日 · 1791-OA16模块是由Allen-Bradley/Rockwell Automation开发的交流模块输出模块, 是一种多输出设备,可以与不同类型的设备配对。 该模块可以垂直或水平方向安装。 它被设计为安装在DIN导轨上。 Allen-Bradley/Rockwell Automation 1791-OA16 AC 模块输出模块在 120 伏交流电压下工作,
Field Wire Conversion Module for A-B 1771-OAD to 1756-OA16 …
2020年2月29日 · The conversion module provides the mating connector to the 1771-OAD and 1771-OBD module swing-arm/terminal block with the attached field wires. It routes those signals via its 25 pin connector and a 1492-CONCABX pre-wired cable to compatible terminals on the 1756-OA16 or 1756-OB16E (refer to Wiring Diagrams on page 2 and 3 for details).
1771-OAD to 1756-OA16 Conversion with 1771-WHF fused …
2020年2月21日 · Customer has a 1771-OAD module and is converting it to a 1756-OA16 module but the 1771-OAD module has the 1771-WHF fused swing arms. They are planning to use the 1492-CM1771-LD006 conversion module, 1492-CONCAB005X cable wiring system components.
You can use an output of the 1771-OD16 module to drive an input of a 120V ac input module (1771-IA, -IA2, -IAD,-ID or ID16), as shown below, to indicate status of turning on a motor starter, for example.
This configuration uses two (2) 1756-OA16 output modules to replace a single 1771-OAN output module. This may require the use of a larger 1756 I/O chassis and conversion mounting assembly.
1771-OW16 | US - Rockwell Automation
2021年3月31日 · Rockwell Automation announces that as of March 31, 2021, the 1771 8 Point Digital Output Module will be discontinued and no longer available for sale. Customers are encouraged to remove references to the affected product (s).
Conversion Module, 1771 to 1756, Digital I/O Modules
Allen-Bradley® Bulletin 1492 I/O Wiring Systems include interface modules and cables that connect through pre-wired cables to digital and analog I/O. Catalog item 1492-CM1771-LD001 is from Rockwell Automation®. For full product details, please see the sections below. Allen-Bradley is a trademark of Rockwell Automation, Inc.