Category:18th-century weapons - Wikipedia
Wikimedia Commons has media related to 18th-century weapons. The following 33 pages are in this category, out of 33 total. This list may not reflect recent changes.
List of infantry weapons in the American Revolution - Wikipedia
All of these weapons were commonly used in the revolutionary war. The "Brown Bess" muzzle-loading smoothbore musket was one of the most commonly used weapons in the American …
Gun rights in the 1780s and today - MinnPost
2013年4月17日 · Several of the state constitutions protected the right of the militia to be armed, which modern gun-rights advocates cite as evidence that owning guns was considered as fundamental to liberty...
The "Assault Weapon" From 1780 – Bearing Arms
2015年7月26日 · While the standard arm of the day was a single-shot flintlock, the Girardoni offered a massive firepower advantage to the men who carried it. The guns (designed by Bartholomäus Girardoni, of...
A Revolution in Arms: Weapons in the War for Independence
At the beginning of the Revolution, the army relied on soldiers to bring weapons from home, including hunting guns, militia arms and outdated martial weapons from the French and Indian War. American soldiers also carried weapons captured from the enemy in the field and reissued to Continental and state troops.
Multi-Shot Assault Weapons Of The 1700s And The 2nd …
2018年3月11日 · In 1718, James Puckle invented and patented what was essentially a machine gun. According to Wikipedia, the Puckle gun “had a pre-loaded cylinder which held 11 charges and could fire 63 shots in seven minutes [9 shots per minute]—this at a time when the standard soldier’s musket could at best be loaded and fired three times per minute.”
Firearms Of The Frontier Partisans — The Edward Marshall Rifle
2022年11月14日 · Rifles with reliable provenance are mighty rare for the period from the 1750s through the 1780s. Much as we’d love to hold Simon Kenton’s rifle, or Daniel Boone’s or Lew Wetzel’s or… they just ain’t there, at least not reliably enough to be definitive. There are several reasons for this.
Revolutionary War Artillery & Cannons - AmericanRevolution.org
The “Batallion Guns,” which were more or less permanently attached to the infantry, were based on an idea of Frederick the Great, though instead of being hand-drawn they were modified into horse-drawn “galloper guns,” three and four-pounders drawn by two horses in tandem. Above is an American 4-pounder galloper.
The firearms of the American Colonial militia, pre-1776 - Guns.com
2017年7月1日 · While most units used their personal weapons, a few arms were issued to the towns by the colonies. These muskets were held by the town and issued to men who did not have a firearm whenever the...
NRA Museums:
The flintlock firearms of the mid-18 th Century, including the types of guns used in the Revolutionary War, and French and Indian War, along with some experimental concepts well ahead of their time. Guns of the Revolutionary War era - Brown Bess and Charleville muskets, the American long rifle, Black Watch and Queen Anne pistols and more.