DO-178C - Wikipedia
DO-178C, Software Considerations in Airborne Systems and Equipment Certification is the primary document by which the certification authorities such as FAA, EASA and Transport Canada approve all commercial software-based aerospace systems. The document is published by RTCA, Incorporated, in a joint effort with EUROC and replaces DO-178B.
This FTP discusses the intent of the definition and scope of parameter data items (PDI) in DO- 178C/ED-12C, to indicate which types and aspects of PDI are reviewed for DO-178C/ED-12C compliance as part of the certification or TSOA/ETSOA …
What Is DO-178C? - Wind River
DO-178C, Software Considerations in Airborne Systems and Equipment Certification, is the principal certification document used by certification agencies including the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), and Transport Canada to review and approve all commercial software-based aerospace systems ...
DO-178C简单说(一) - 知乎专栏
DO-178系列被称为适航符合性方法,是适航规章的下一级,用于支撑适航规章。 也就是说只要你完全按照DO-178中提出的过程要求来开发软件,并能提供证据证明你确实按照它执行了,那我就认为你符合了适航规章,也就是1301和1309的要求。 你的飞机要上天,那你飞机上所有的机载软件都得按这个来。 FAA虽然说DO-178是推荐的方法,但据老美的DER说,基本上不使用这个方法的,会得到局方很大程度的关注,也很难通过局方的审查。 二、178及其要求的软件过程. 那 …
These supplements address frequently asked questions about software certification, provide guidance on tool qualification requirements, and illustrate the modifications recommended to DO-178C when using model-based software design, object …
2022年9月18日 · DO-178 C将软件划分为五个等级(A到E),这些等级是基于失效状态对航空器安全的影响而定。 RTCA DO — 178 B《机载系统和设备合格审定中的软件考虑》 为依据,针对ARJ 21 型号所制定的专有规范。 该规范为ARJ 21 型号机载系统和 设备中的软件开发提供了指南,从而确保其软件在安全方面以一定的置信度完成 其预定功能,并符合适航要求。 机载系统和设备合格审定中的软件考虑,RTCA DO — 178 B《机载系统和设备合格审定中的软件考虑》是 …
2010年4月26日 · DO-178C: A New Standard for Software Safety Certification SSTC 2010 North American Headquarters: Salt Lake City, Utah 104 Fifth Avenue, 15 th Floor Track 1 Monday, 26 April 2010 3:30 – 4:15 pm New York, NY 10011 USA +1-212-620-7300 (voice) +1-212-807-0162 (FAX) 4:15 pm European Headquarters: 46 rue d46 rue d Amsterdam’Amsterdam 75009 Paris ...
DO-178C classifies software into five levels of criticality based on whether atypical software behavior could cause or contribute to the failure of a system function. The table below shows the relationship between the failure condition category and the structural coverage objective as defined by DO-178C.
什么是 DO-178C? - Visure Solutions
DO-178C 是获得美国联邦航空管理局 (FAA) 和欧洲航空安全局 (EASA) 等航空当局认证的基石。 认证中的关键角色包括: 通过遵循 DO-178C,航空电子设备制造商可以满足行业法规要求并获得商用和军用飞机系统的认证,确保飞行运行安全可靠。 DO-178C 为何重要? DO-178C 在确保机载系统软件的安全性和可靠性方面发挥着关键作用。 通过建立严格的开发和验证流程,它有助于识别和缓解可能危及飞行操作的潜在软件问题。 该标准强调: 这种结构化方法可最大限度地减 …
DO-178C: Software Verification
DO-178C guidance is designed to ensure that clear best practices are defined and followed by avionics system developers. DO-178C guidance also prescribes specific software testing measures that are dependent on the criticality of the system in question.