PCM1794A data sheet, product information and support | TI.com
The PCM1794A device is a monolithic, CMOS-integrated circuit that includes stereo digital-to-analog converters (DACs) and support circuitry in a small 28-pin SSOP package. The data …
PCM1794A 数据表、产品信息和支持 | 德州仪器 TI.com.cn
TI 的 PCM1794A 是一款 132dB SNR 最高性能立体声 DAC(硬件控制)。 查找参数、订购和质量信息.
The PCM1794A device is a monolithic, CMOS-integrated circuit that includes stereo digital-to-analog converters (DACs) and support circuitry in a small 28-pin SSOP package. The data …
These DACs are designed for the serious audiophile. They utilize the best DAC chip -PCM1794A that is capable of producing a super dynamic range of 127dB in stereo mode and 132dB in …
PCM1794A audio DAC - Pavouk
There is DAC with integrated circuit PCM1794A. It is one of execellent audio DACs from Burr Brown (Texas Instruments). It has 24-bit resolution, 192kHz sample frequency, 8x …
LHY AUDIO Balanced DAC Board 2x PCM1794A I2S 24bit 192kHz
This simple but beautifully designed balanced DAC module is based on the integration of a pair of PCM1794A digital to analog conversion chips, each dedicated to a channel. These allow it to …
PCM1794 数据表、产品信息和支持 | 德州仪器 TI.com.cn
The PCM1794 is a monolithic CMOS integrated circuit that includes stereo digital-to-analog converters and support circuitry in a small 28-lead SSOP package. The data converters use …
Any recommendations on a PCM1794A based DAC?
2018年4月27日 · I have been comparing the numbers on the current DAC chips and the Burr Brown (TI) 1794A has my attention. It has a S/N of 127 dB in stereo mode and 132 in mono …
新品 | “采用 BurrBrown 1794A 芯片”Merason DAC1 MK II DAC数 …
2023年10月7日 · DAC1 MK II 的 DAC 芯片采用 BurrBrown 1794A,支持最高取样率为 24bit/192kHz PCM,每声道各用一枚,如此可将动态范围提高 5dB;I/V 转换采用分离式组件, …
採用 BurrBrown 1794A 晶片-Merason DAC1 MK II DAC - U …
DAC1 MK II 的 DAC 晶片採用 BurrBrown 1794A,支援最高取樣率為 24bit/192kHz PCM,每聲道各用一枚,如此可將動態範圍提高 5dB;I/V 轉換採用分離式元件,透過全平衡 A 類電路進行 …