In 2019, the 17X Functional Authority approved the transition to the Cyberspace Warfare Operations career field with two AFSCs, Warfighter Communications Operations (17D) and Cyberspace Effects Operations (17S).
Cyberspace Operations Officer - U.S. Air Force
Become a Cyberspace Operations Officer in the U.S. Air Force and gain access to great benefits. Learn more about the requirements and benefits here.
Ask me anything about 17D : r/AFROTC - Reddit
2023年2月10日 · 17D have a lot more opportunities for bases. 17DxA can go to literally any base in the DoD, not even just limited to Air Force if there are joint capabilities there. Every base has a communications squadron, every base needs 17Ds. DxB are a bit different, we typically serve at ASOSs, ACOMS and STS bases.
Warfighter Communications Operations - U.S. Air Force
Cyber warfare is a serious threat, which is why in the Air Force we have Warfighter Communications Operations officers to ensure we have a safe and impenetrable cyberspace infrastructure. They operate, secure and monitor our cyber systems to help achieve mission success around the clock, 24/7.
jobs/17d - AirForce - Reddit
2010年4月14日 · 17DAs make up a majority of the career field (65%ish). The next biggest population of officers are shredded as 17SBs, and a very small subset of the overall 17X …
The 17DXB Cyberspace Control Officer is responsible for network operations, to include establishment and passive defense (Space & Cyberspace Professional Management Office, 2010). The two AFSCs perform very different functions and as a result require different training. A detailed discussion of 17DXA versus 17DXB is beyond the scope of this ...
To earn the 17DXA AFSC, member must complete Undergraduate Cyberspace Warfare Training (UCWT). To earn the 17DXB AFSC, member must complete UCWT and Expeditionary Communications Training.
2016年11月16日 · P Ed ation Mat ng Air s in 3.3.1. For award of AFSC 17D2X, completion of Undergraduate Cyberspace Training (UCT) and mission qualification training in suffix specific area. peri or similar environment and completion of a current Single Scoped Background Investigation (SSBI) according to AFI 31-501, Personnel Security Program Man ge
Warfighter Communications Operations Plans, builds, maintains, and operates electronics systems necessary for warfighting operations in and through cyberspace: network system operations, information assurance, program management, tele-communications, platform information technology, cybersecurity, command and control.
y Functional Division Develop, coordinate, and manage AF policy (e.g. AFPD, AFI, AFMAN, AFGMs) for the cyberspace operations mission area in fulfillment of AF cyb. space strategy(ies). Integrate and synchronize AF cyberspace operations/warfare policy with AF cybe.