MOS 17K US Army Ground Surveillance Radar Crewman
Must be qualified as a Ground Surveillance Radar Crewman (17K20); must know characteristics, capabilities, and limitations of ground surveillance radars and associated equipment; must know principles of employment for ground surveillance radars; must know requirements and techniques for effective siting and concealment of equipment; must know ...
Ground surveillance radar crewman, MOS 17K : commander's …
Ground surveillance radar crewman, MOS 17K : commander's manual. [Washington : Dept. of Defense], Dept. of the Army, Headquarters, 1978. United States. Department of the Army. Field manual no. 30-17K/CM. Prepared by the US Army Intelligence Center and School, Fort Huachuca, Arizona. March 20, 1978. Includes bibliographies.
MOS Codes in the Vietnam era - Ed Thelen
Enlisted MOS codes consisted of five Alpha / Numeric characters. The first three indicated a job description. The last two digits indicated rank or relative level of expertise. xxx10 = (E1-E3) xxx20 = Specialist 4 /Corporal (Specialist 4th Class, E-4) xxx30 = Specialist 5 (non troop handling E-5)
Ground Surveillance Radar Crewman, MOS 17K - Google Books
Ground Surveillance Radar Crewman, MOS 17K: Commander's Manual United States. Department of the Army Full view - 1978
Army Military Occupational Specialties, Vietnam War Years
17k ground surveillance radar crewman ground surveillance radar oper aerial sensor. 17l airborne sensor oper airborne sensor specialist data terminal oper. 17z combat surveillance&target acqui'tn nco. 211 guidance & cntl apprentice guidance & cntl repairman guidance & cntl repair inspector guidance & cntl repair supervisor. 21a ballistic ...
Army MOS Codes, Vietnam War Era - Military Yearbook Project
The following is a list of US Army Military Occupational Specialities Codes from 1966. List of MOS codes from the Vietnam War era.
Army MOS List (Military Occupational Specialty) | USArmy Basic
Here we’ve listed each and every Army Military Occupational Specialty (MOS), also known as Army Jobs in the United States. Browse through the Army MOS list to find specialized training opportunities, or use the search box above to locate what you’re looking for.
U.S. Army Cyber Center of Excellence (CCoE)
You will assist the commander in defeating the enemy through planning, coordination, integration, and execution of Electronic Attack. You are responsible for protecting and hardening friendly...
2023年8月9日 · MOS 17E. TRAINING. Most Qualified looks like: SSG: Airborne, Air Assault, Pathfinder, Ranger, Reconnaissance & Surveillance Leaders Course (RSLC) SFC: Pathfinder, Jump Master, SHARP SARC/VA...
MOS 17A US Army Combat Surveillance and Target Acquisition …
Assists in operation of combat surveillance and target acquisition systems.