Ideal weight 180 cm - BMI Calculator
Your ideal weight should be between 59.9 and 90.7 kilograms (kg). The average ideal weight should be 73.7 kilograms (kg). These values apply for a 25 years old 180 centimeters (cm) or 1.80 meter (m) heigh woman. Please, see detailed information below. This calculator computes appropriately your ideal or healthy weight based on BMI information [1].
How Much Should I Weigh? | Rush
What's the best way to determine a healthy weight? Find out what your body mass index is by using our handy interactive BMI calculator, or use our height-weight chart to help you stay within the recommended range.
Ideal Weight Calculator
The Ideal Weight Calculator computes ideal body weight (IBW) ranges based on height, gender, and age. The idea of finding the IBW using a formula has been sought after by many experts for a long time.
身高 180 cm, 体重 71.5 kg (143 斤), BMI指数 22.1, 理想体重 69 kg
请输入整数身高(单位厘米),体重(单位公斤),填入对应文本框,然后点击下面 蓝色按钮 计算BMI身体健康指数即可。 注意:BMI体质指数适合年龄18至65岁的人士使用,儿童、发育中 …
What is the Ideal Weight for 180 cm Male? - Calculatio
This calculator will help you to find out the Ideal Weight for a given Height (cm) and Sex. For example, it can help you find out what is the Ideal Weight for 180 cm Male in kg? (The answer is: 75 kg). Enter Height (e.g. 180 cm), Sex (e.g. Male) and hit the 'Calculate' button.
Ideal Weight for 180cm Adult Women and Men - Healthly.io
Discover the ideal weight for 180cm adults to attain a healthy body proportion as measured by Body Mass Index (BMI). Find out if your current weight falls within the healthy range and explore the significance of maintaining a balanced weight for your height.
Ideal Weight for 180cm Male - getcalc.com
The healthy weight is 165.33 pounds (74.99 kilograms) for 180cm height male. If you are 180cm male and your mass is more than 165.33lb, it is required to engage in physical activities like walking, jogging and running, follow a healthy diet and alter sleep routine to decrease the weight or to avoid becoming overweight or obese.
身高180厘米男生标准体重是多少? - mybmicalculators.com
根据身体质量指数(bmi)的健康/正常体重范围 18.5 至 23.9,身高180厘米男生的健康体重介于 59.9 公斤 至 77.8 公斤之间。bmi 是根据身高和体重测量身体脂肪的一种方法,适用于成年男性和女性。 身高180厘米男生的体重指数表
身高180厘米男生完美体重是多少? - mybmicalculators.com
根据B.J. Devine理想体重公式,180厘米男生的理想体重是 75 公斤(150 斤 / 165.3 磅) 根据中国人身体质量指数BMI分类,对于180cm的男生,体重在 59.9 公斤至 77.4 公斤范围内被视为健康/正常体重。
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