What Knife was Popular in Mid to Late 1800s - Bushcraft USA …
2012年12月5日 · The Green River Knife was in fact the knife of choice for the Oregon and California emigrant, buffalo hunter, gold miner, Indian and trapper alike. By the 1840's, the Green River Works was shipping more than 50,000 blades a year and from 1840 to 1860 sent more than 60,000 dozen knives out west.
Pocket knife of the 1800's west? - BladeForums.com
2013年1月15日 · The Barlow knife, a folding pocket utility knife, was introduced by the Russell Cutlery in the 1870's. The Barlow knife was first produced in England by Obadiah Barlow in the 1600's. The knife gained a very high reputation as a working knife. The reputation spread to America where they became very popular.
Metallurgy of Original 1800’s Bowie Knife Made by James Black
2013年3月27日 · In this current writing I solely focus on the idea of meteorite and Bowie knife. Bowie knife and meteorite There are many stories about the metallurgy of the original Bowie knife which was forged by James Black in the beginning of …
Knife making tools and methods of the mid 1800's?
2009年4月19日 · Files in that time frame were hand cut and superior to machine made files (at least until Nicholson developed a method of mimicking the hand cutting on a machine). As such some knife makers would have used files to finish their knives. At Sheffield the steps of making a knife seemed to be different than they are today.
1800's style fixed blades - BladeForums.com
2005年4月16日 · THE 1800'S SKINNER- CARRY - ANTIQUED STAG $325 Outstanding knife. If you love history or vintage style knives this is a perfect piece for you. When making this knife I had the vision of something that might have been carried by Wyatt Earp, doc holiday or maybe a roamer of the 19th century frontier.
Knives of the early 1800s; some thoughts... - Bushcraft USA Forums
2016年11月23日 · It makes me think the personal one may have been much better quality; more valuable and useful. There were better quality knives out there even then; look at a book called "The Knife in Homespun America" which depicts a large number of both pre-1800 and early 1800s knives, which were hand made/custom made, not commercially done.
Metallurgy of Original 1800’s Bowie Knife Made by James Black
2013年3月27日 · In America situation was different. In the 1800’s american pioneers found many meteorites when they started to cultivate new fields. Many of them were used by blacksmiths (Figure 2), and the rest were collected by scientists. This is a good support for the story of meteorite and Bowie knife. Figure 2.
A hunting knife....in the spirit of the 1800's | BladeForums.com
2004年4月9日 · This is a hunting knife that I would envision an 1800's hunter/trapper might carry. It's made from 5/32" thick O1. With a 4 1/2" convex grind blade and a 4 1/2" handle with curly maple scales. This wood is special because it's from a maple tree that belonged to one of the Chesapeake Knife Club members right from Maryland.
Victorian Era 1800's Slater Brothers Sheffield fixed blade, what ...
2020年6月2日 · The dealer I bought it from told me it was most likely a butchers knife or form of culinary knife, dating back to the early Slater Brothers Venture works production before they branched off. Probably mid to late 1800's era.
Pocket knife of the 1800's west? | Page 2 | BladeForums.com
2013年1月15日 · From Roosevelt's cowboy days in the Dakota Territory, Teddy carried his sterling silver hunting knife made by Tiffany & Co., dated 1884. When his wife and mother both died on the same day, February 14, 1884, Roosevelt went west to the badlands of Dakota, and threw himself into hard work and long days herding cattle.