180 mm gun S-23 - Wikipedia
The 180 mm gun S-23 (Russian: 180-мм пушка С-23) was a Soviet heavy gun of Cold War era. It was developed in the early 1950s, with the design based on naval guns. Its first public appearance was the 1955 May Day parade in Moscow. [1] .
苏联S-23重型拖曳火炮,为取代“斯大林之锤”而生 - 哔哩哔哩
作为一种拖曳式重型火炮,S-23在6、70年代后已经难以应对最新式的战场环境,155毫米级别的榴弹炮才是未来发展的主流,在现有技术下能够将火炮的重量、射程和威力做到平衡,而180毫米级别的S-23尺寸太大,射击操作自动程度低,在自行火炮面前已经难有优势,生产数量少也就很正常了。 不过该炮的服役历史并不短,苏军在60年代就将其退役,被2S7“芍药”自行火炮取代;而其他装备国却仍然使用,至少前几年还出现在一些冲突地区,只是不知道这样一款古董级的火炮上 …
苏联S-23重型拖曳火炮,为取代“斯大林之锤”而生 - 知乎
作为一种拖曳式重型火炮,S-23在6、70年代后已经难以应对最新式的战场环境,155毫米级别的榴弹炮才是未来发展的主流,在现有技术下能够将火炮的重量、射程和威力做到平衡,而180毫米级别的S-23尺寸太大,射击操作自动程度低,在自行火炮面前已经难有优势,生产数量少也就很正常了。 不过该炮的服役历史并不短,苏军在60年代就将其退役,被 2S7“芍药”自行火炮 取代;而其他装备国却仍然使用,至少前几年还出现在一些冲突地区,只是不知道这样一款古董级的火炮上 …
180mm S-23 - Weaponsystems.net
The S-23 fires powerful 180mm shells at high velocity at ranges up to 30.4 km. Types of shell include high explosive and concrete piercing. Reportedly a nuclear round was developed as well. A rocket assisted projectile introduced in the early …
180 mm gun S-23 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The 180 mm gun S-23 (Russian: 180-мм пушка С-23) was a Soviet heavy gun of Cold War era. It was developed in the early 1950s, with the design based on naval guns. Its first public appearance was the 1955 May Day parade in Moscow. [1] .
S-23 (Nywka C-23) 180mm Towed Large-Caliber Howitzer Artillery
2020年9月29日 · Detailing the technical specifications, development, and operational history of the S-23 (Nywka C-23) 180mm Towed Large-Caliber Howitzer Artillery including pictures. The global defense reference actively compiled since 2003
盘点:二战后苏联身管火炮系统 构成完整体系 至今活跃在战场上
2022年9月12日 · S-23型180mm加农炮(GRAU编号52-P-572),全重21000千克,49倍径,弹丸重88千克,方向射界44°,仰角50°,射程30000米。 S-23型180mm加农炮早在1955年就开始生产,首批8门之后投入批量生产,具体生产数量不明。
180 mm cannon S-23 (52-P-572) | Artillery - Military Review
2025年1月24日 · And only when, during one of the Middle East armed conflicts, samples of the S-23 cannon were captured, it turned out that its caliber is in fact equal to 180 millimeters. S-23 is a heavy and bulky weapon; its mass in a combat position is almost 21.5 thousand kg.
NII-58 Big Triplex S-23 - GlobalSecurity.org
According to Western press reports, 180mm S-23 cannons were delivered to Syria and took an active part in the Middle East conflict. The barrel of the 180-mm S-23 gun consisted of a free barrel...
The S-23 180mm Heavy Towed Gun - YouTube
2024年2月29日 · The S-23 180mm heavy towed gun was developed by the Soviet Union to replace the B-4 heavy howitzer during World War II. However, due to delays in development and changes in artillery...