中古车型系列105——日产180SX S13 - 哔哩哔哩
180SX中的“180”,指的就是1.8升的发动机排量,但是从改款车型开始日产汽车就改用了排量更高的SR20-DET型发动机,也就说改款后的180SX应该要像海外市场那样更名为200SX,但是日本市场并没有这么干。 日产CA18-DET型发动机. 初期的180SX拥有日产HICAS-II四轮转向系统选配,但这种先进的转向系统并不受漂移车手的欢迎,由此带来了一个很有趣的现象:在日本二手车市场上,前轮转向的180SX比搭载四轮转向系统的价格更高。 后来有些部件厂商针对四轮转向 …
Nissan 180SX - Wikipedia
The Nissan 180SX is a fastback automobile that Nissan Motors produced between 1988 and 1998. It is based on the S13 chassis from the Nissan S platform with the variants receiving an R designation (ex. PS13 and RPS13). It was sold exclusively in Japan paired with the CA18 motor in the early models; later models paired with the SR20 motor.
尼桑180sx - 百度百科
180SX是尼桑于1989年推出的第一款配备四缸1.8L 涡轮增压发动机 的跑车,它是为当时S13车系中之hatchback车款设定的,因此它与一般S13双门款最大差别在于是否拥有翻盖头灯。 180SX作为汽车名称有两层意思,第一是180代表此款车发表初期搭载的 1.8L CA18DET发动机,第二是英文缩写SX代表日产海外输出版本的定称。 1991年新型号的SR20DET引擎替换了老旧的CA18DET成为180SX的新动力心脏,按照惯例它也应被改名为200SX,但这种称呼被留给了 …
Gói cước trả sau V180X - Viettel Digital
Từ ngày 03/08/2023, Viettel triển khai đăng ký bộ gói cước V mới tăng ưu đãi data cho thuê bao di động trả sau bao gồm V160X, V180X, V200X, V250X, V300X. Dịch vụ trả sau Viettel là dịch vụ viễn thông cho phép bạn sử dụng dịch vụ trước và thanh toán sau.
180sx Club - Everything Nissan S13 / Sbodies / Drift Games
The 180sx Club brings you the games, car features, products, guides and wallpapers for Nissan's 240sx, 200sx and 180sx cars.
BIG-180X – Modix Large 3D Printers
The Modix BIG-180X is designed for professionals who need extra-wide, industrial-grade 3D printing with precision, speed, and scalability. Featuring an expansive 1,800 x 600 x 660 mm build volume, it enables full-scale prototyping and production of automotive parts, molds, furniture, and architectural models in a single print.
Modix BIG180X V4 3D Printer Kit - MatterHackers
The Modix BIG-180X V4 is a large-scale 3D printer designed for professionals and innovators. It has a massive print volume of 1800×600×600mm and comes as a self-assembly kit. Known for its high-quality components, durability, and great price-performance ratio, it also offers upgrade options for customization.
Modix3D 180x V4 3D Printer Kit (1800x600x600mm) - 3D Printing …
Elevate your 3D printing capabilities with Modix 180X V4. Engineered for professionals, this large-format printer delivers high-quality prints with precision.
180x180 PX Photo Resizer Online Free Tool - Form Photo Editor
Resize, compress and convert photo to 180x180 PX (Pixel) width and height resolution. you can adjust width and height in pixel, centimeter, millimeter and inch according to dpi, and you can also adjust dpi and maximum file size limit in kb and mb after select file. Drop files here. How to Resizer image to 180x180 PX (Pixel)?
180x180 Image Converter Online
Use WeResize’s 180×180 image converter to change an existing image resolution online without editing experience. See the full guide to learn more about online resizing and its benefits.
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