蒂芙尼蓝(Tiffany Blue) - 千通彩色彩管理官网
2022年5月17日 · 众所周知,蒂芙尼蓝是pantone no. 1837色,是彩通pantone公司专门为蒂芙尼诞生年份而定制,经过多年来的推广和知识产权保护,让人看到这款颜色便联想到蒂芙尼。
Tiffany Blue - Wikipedia
Tiffany Blue is the colloquial name for the light medium robin egg blue color associated with Tiffany & Co., the New York City jewelry company created by Charles Tiffany and John Young in 1837. The cyan color was used on the cover of Tiffany's Blue Book, first published in 1845. [1]
Crazy About Tiffany's: The story behind an iconic brand color - Pantone
The custom color we created for Tiffany is called “1837 Blue”. It was given this name as the year 1837 marks the founding of Tiffany. We have worked with hundreds of companies, and some individuals as the documentary highlights, creating and defining their signature brand colors.
What is the CMYK code for Pantone 1837? - Color With Leo
Therefore, the CMYK code to reproduce Pantone 1837 is: 0C 95M 90Y 0K. This code indicates no cyan, high amounts of magenta and yellow, and no black. The predominance of magenta and yellow ink gives Pantone 1837 its distinctive reddish-orange appearance.
Tiffany Blue Brand Color - colorxs.com
In 2001, Pantone standardized the color as a custom color exclusively for Tiffany. The Pantone color is called "1837 Blue" was named after Tiffany’s founding year. What color is Tiffany Blue? Tiffany Blue color belongs to the Cyan color family (hue).
Tiffany Blue - Pantone 1837 | iwork3 | alex chong
2016年3月16日 · Tiffany Blue, the most popular robin’s egg blue, is a trademarked color of Tiffany & Co., which bears the same number (1837) on the Pantone Matching System (PMS) as the year Tiffany & Co. was founded. The private custom color (created in 2001) Pantone 1837 is not publicly available and is not printed in the Pantone Matching System swatch books.
tiffany蓝的潘通色卡是几号? - 百度知道
tiffany蓝的潘通色卡是1837。 这个数字正好是蒂芙尼成立的年份,因为品牌申请了颜色专利,所以任何人未经许可都不能使用。 蒂芙尼蓝是更鸟蛋蓝 的一种,颜色比普通的知更鸟蛋蓝要稍微淡一
查询色号“1837c”相关结果 - 千通彩色库
欢迎使用千通彩色库,输入色号关键词,即可查询国际标准色号! 使用声明: 请注意千通彩色库中显示的颜色及数值是由计算机模拟的颜色,不同设备上显示也有所区别,实际生产中请参阅 …
CA1837 (CCA1837) Air China Flight Tracking and History - FlightAware
2025年3月8日 · Track Air China (CA) #1837 flight from Shanghai Hongqiao Int'l to Guangzhou Baiyun Int'l Flight status, tracking, and historical data for Air China 1837 (CA1837/CCA1837) including scheduled, estimated, and actual departure and arrival times.
C.1837 钢材成分分析及概述 - 格尔装备
2025年2月27日 · C.1837(JUS) - 低合金碳钢,用于各种尺寸的弹簧、刀具。 C.1837的金属元素含量如下: 碳(C):0.75%-0.88% 锰(Mn):0.60%-0.90% 磷(P […]