Historical Timeline 1860-1899 - Winchester Repeating Arms
The company’s first bolt-action rifle, the Model 1883 Winchester Third Model Hotchkiss Magazine Gun is introduced. 1883. After Winchester begins experimenting with revolvers, an informal …
The 10 Greatest Rifles — 1860 to 1920 - The Shooter's Log
2024年7月1日 · Arguably the most important bolt-action rifle of all time, the Mauser introduced controlled feed action in a smooth, reliable bolt-action rifle. Used foremost in military rifles, the …
Evolution of the Bolt Action Rifle - NRA Museum
A Prospering New Republic - 1780 to 1860; A Nation Asunder - 1861 to 1865; The American West - 1850 to 1900; Innovation, Oddities and Competition; ... Evolution of the Bolt Action Rifle. …
Small Arms from 1860 to 1869 - Military Factory
All eyes were on the United States during the early part of the decade as a Civil War threatened to unravel the growing republic. There are a total of [ 53 ] Small Arms from 1860 to 1869 entries …
The Ward-Burton Rifle: America's First Military Bolt-Action
2022年6月26日 · The Greene breechloading percussion rifle, made in very limited numbers from about 1859 into the early 1860s, featured a unique under-hammer action with a rudimentary …
NRA Museums:
Production took place between c. 1859 to the early 1860s. Approximately 1,500 Greene Rifles were produced for sale in the United States, and an additional 3,000 were made for the …
The Bolt-Action Rifle: Brief History - GUNTRACK
The rifle was developed in the late 1860s and early 1870s and based on the earlier Dreyse needle gun’s bolt-action mechanism. In 1871, the German Empire adopted the Mauser Model 1871 as …
NRA Museums:
The Spanish-American War proved the superiority of the German-designed Mauser, and the .30-'06 caliber U.S. Model 1903 bolt-action rifle, which was built at Springfield Armory and Rock …
The 10 Greatest Rifles — 1860 to 1920 - My Survival Tool
2024年7月2日 · Arguably the most important bolt-action rifle of all time, the Mauser introduced controlled feed action in a smooth, reliable bolt-action rifle. Used foremost in military rifles, the …
Milestones in Nineteenth Century Firearms Development, Part …
2019年3月4日 · A hundred years later common infantrymen were marching into battle in South Africa armed with bolt-action magazine rifles sighted to over 1000 yards and capable, in the …