found a 18k hge ring, trying to find out what symbol means
2011年1月18日 · Hey guys, I was at the grade school scoping things out and found a 18k hge ring, not worth much but beautiful stone and unique design. Anyway it has a diamond shape stamp after the hge with a v in the middle. Anyone know what that means?
More dirt Gold...but 18k this time--Update 18k HGE
2016年12月23日 · I was thinking maybe a war nick or a ring. And to my pleasant surprise it turned to being an "old school" nugget design 18k gold ring! It was about 6" down. It weighs in at 11.33 grams. The nuggets on the ring are so shinny with the lighting that it shows up as grayish darken spots on the photos, but it is not. UPDATE--it is HGE (gold filled ...
14K Gold Ring stamped with a triangle - Friendly Metal Detecting …
2013年7月12日 · Not sure about that triangle, could be a maker's mark but I have seen it before. I dug one up with an open triangle myself, once. Whatever it is it does look like real gold...the rocks just might be real, too, and they can be tested easily enough if you are not sure.
18k ring yes , but wait,whats that GE - Friendly Metal Detecting …
2012年3月14日 · What Does "18k GE" Mean on a Ring? A ring that is marked "18KGE" is made of an unspecified metal that is electroplated with a thin layer of 18 karat gold. This electroplated layer differs from other gold covering in that the gold has been electrolytically deposited in a uniform manner. o well ,ok
18k Brass Ring? - Friendly Metal Detecting Forum
2024年4月23日 · Nice silver tone revealed a big brass ring with the stamp 18k inside???...and finally a really cool flat button, nickel size and with a nice design, first flattie with a design for me.
The $1,000 Penny Signal! Two 18K's Today & Very Cool Ferrari Ray …
2006年4月14日 · I suspect that may have been a fresher drop from the area that I found it. The other one has another man’s name and a 2016 date and I suspect has been lost for a few years. I acid tested it at home and flies through 14K, holds 18K for a long while. I even tried the 22K and it held for a little bit. I’m calling the ring 13.8 grs of 18K.
Is mismarked gold that common? | Friendly Metal Detecting Forum
2022年2月19日 · Only on very rare occasions do I find mismarked jewelry. It is DONE ON PURPOSE TO DECEIVE. Though some marks could be hard to decifer/unknown , etc. Could have HGE stamp = Heavy Gold Electroplate. Be careful of PL on silver and some gold colored jewelry. Could stand for PLumb ( the best on gold) or PLated or even PLatinum. Have had some 14k marked gold turn out to be 10k when tested , though ...
Gold testing question | Friendly Metal Detecting Forum
2008年5月14日 · Make a long scratch. Take a drop of 10K acid (yellow cap bottle) and see if it holds. If so then a drop of 14K acid in the middle of the scratch. If it holds then a drop of 18K acid on the far end. Any acid that dissolves the scratch shows it is lower than that. You chance the ring is 22K is slim in all cases so don't start with that acid.
Is it Gold? | Friendly Metal Detecting Forum
2024年12月23日 · Tossed it in my pouch thinking copper. Shocked to see 18k stamp given the color. It is heavy like gold so that's why I thought I'd ask.
Ring stamps id | Friendly Metal Detecting Forum
2023年12月14日 · Here’s Nox 800 numbers for some different gold rings I tested when I first got my Nox. No plain bands in this example, but they usually hit around 11. Same for plat bands. Depends on size, white or yellow, any coatings, weight, etc. I had a smaller plat at 7, a 18k at the beach at 7, and a 14k class ring at 16.