碧云天生物技术-18S rRNA Cy3 FISH Probe(18S rRNA Cy3荧光原 …
碧云天研发生产的18S rRNA Cy3 FISH Probe,即18S rRNA Cy3荧光原位杂交探针,是一种可以配合碧云天生产的Fluorescence in Situ Hybridization Kit for RNA (R0306)用于对来源于Human、Mouse、Rat、Prionailurus viverrinus、Tachysurus fulvidraco、Mugil cephalus和Neosciurus carolinensis (gray squirrel)的细胞或者 ...
FISH探针试剂盒 | 锐博生物 - RiboBio
由锐博生物自主研发的lncRNA FISH检测探针,创新性地改进了lncRNA分子的特异性核酸探针数量及标记方式,极大地提高了探针灵敏度,能满足细胞中lncRNA的准确定位要求,结合激光共聚焦显微镜可清晰地展示lncRNA的分布情况,为lncRNA功能及作用机制研究提供强有力的工具。 温馨提示:FISH实验您需要订购3类产品:FISH Probe Mix(需设计定制或选择预制的)、FISH探针试剂盒(通用的,或杂交预混液)和FISH内参对照(18S或U6)。 选择FISH探针及其内参对照 …
18S rRNA, the Best Internal Control - Thermo Fisher Scientific
The Classic and Classic II 18S Internal Standards can be used with any vertebrate RNA sample. All 18S Internal Standards work well in multiplex RT-PCR. These kits also include control RNA and an Instruction Manual detailing the series of experiments needed to …
TaqMan™ Ribosomal RNA Control Reagents - Thermo Fisher Scientific
Applied Biosystems™ TaqMan™ Ribosomal RNA Control Reagents are designed to detect the 18S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene. The TaqMan™ probe and primer sequences were designed following Rapid Assay Development Guidelines.
碧云天-R0333-20μg-18S rRNA Biotin FISH Probe(18S rRNA生物 …
碧云天研发生产的18S rRNA Biotin FISH Probe,即18S rRNA生物素荧光原位杂交探针,是一种可以配合碧云天生产的Biotin Fluorescence in Situ Hybridization Kit for RNA (Green) (R0307)用于对来源于Human、Mouse、Rat、Prionailurus viverrinus、Tachysurus fulvidraco、Mugil cephalus和Neosciurus carolinensis (gray squirrel)的细胞或者固定的组织、石蜡或冰冻切片等样品的18S rRNA进行荧光原位杂交的通用型生物素标记探针。
真核 18S rRNA 内源性对照品(FAM™/MGB 探针,非限制性引物)
Applied Biosystems™ 真核 18S rRNA 内源性对照品(FAM™ ⁄ MGB 探针,非限制性引物)适合用作内源性对照。 与其他基因表达检测试剂盒配合使用时,可以对 cDNA 样品中的相对基因表达进行定量测定。
Quantu mRNA ™ Universal 18S Internal Standard - Thermo Fisher Scientific
Because of its invariant expression across tissues and treatments, 18S ribosomal RNA is an ideal internal control for quantitative RNA analysis. The Universal 18S Internal Standards function across the broadest range of eukaryotes, including animals, plants, and many protozoa and produce a 315 bp PCR product.
碧云天的18S rRNA Biotin FISH Probe是一种5'端进行了生物素标记的18S rRNA的21nt单链DNA序列,可以特异性识别多种物 种的18S rRNA 并进行杂交。 本产品的推荐预杂交和杂交温度均为24ºC。
Human 18S rRNA qPCR assay - PCR Assays
This is a control assay that detects: Human 18S rRNA. Note 1: One kit provides enough primers and probes to perform 100 PCR reactions with 20 uL total volume. Note 2: If you select the control assay, then the control primers and probe will be mixed with the pathogen primers and probe.
真核 18S rRNA 内源性对照品(VIC™/TAMRA™ 探针,限制性引物)
Applied Biosystems™ 真核 18S rRNA 内源性对照品(VIC™ ⁄ TAMRA 探针,限制性引物)适合用作内源性对照品。 与其他 TaqMan™ 基因表达测定试剂盒配合使用时,可以对 cDNA 样品中的相对基因表达进行定量测定。