18th Century Gardening Tools - Historic Camden County
Until the 16th century, those tools were simple, basic and heavy, having evolved from agricultural implements used for hundreds of years. But by the mid-17th century, when popular interest in …
Five of Our Favorite Garden Tools - Colonial Williamsburg
2021年5月3日 · Take a look at these 18th-century gardening tools that are still used today, substituting the iron and wood materials with plastic and aluminum. Learn more.
Laying out the Garden - Colonial Williamsburg
2020年7月27日 · At the Colonial Garden, we carry on the trade of gardening, while using the tools and techniques of the 18th-century. Questions asked by our guests may center on our use of a …
The Antiques Addict: The Dirt on Early Garden Tools
2016年5月4日 · As opposed to modern, mass-produced garden tools, the garden tools of old were custom made and held dear by the families who owned them. People’s livelihoods directly …
The Collector's Guide to Vintage Gardening Tools - Country Living
2016年3月16日 · Here's the dirt on graphic seed packets, simple blacksmith-made tools, and other picks that sow a stunning display. Because gardeners typically tossed seed packaging …
Tools Of Yore: Gardening's Past - GardeningStart.com
2023年12月2日 · 18th and 19th Century Gardening Tools Pruning Saws and Knives. In the 18th and 19th centuries, gardening became increasingly focused on ornamental and aesthetic …
CAMDEN, N.J. -- Everybody loves a garden. Whether it's a fragrant herb garden, a lush perennial border or a subtle shade garden, gardens touch the senses like nothing else. But not …
Classic Garden Tools: Design and Functionality - The Old Timey
Planting areas that originated in 18th Century America combined the practical necessity of producing food with the visual delight of growing flowers and ornamental shrubbery. From the …
Old garden tools: the joy of gardenalia - The English Garden
2020年8月7日 · Loosely termed gardenalia, the old garden tools that survive the gardeners of the past few centuries possess a certain appeal. There is a particular pleasure in picking up a …
18th Century Gardening Tools - Historic Camden County, N.J.
THE USE, VALUE AND THEFT OF 18TH-CENTURY GARDEN TOOLS When Shovels and Dung Forks Were Among Life's Most Important Possessions By Sandy Levins ... CAMDEN, N.J. -- …