Revelation 19:13 - Bible Hub
Revelation 19:13 offers hope in the promise of Christ's return and ultimate victory over evil. Believers are encouraged to live in anticipation of this future reality.
馬太福音 19:13 那時,有人帶著小孩子來見耶穌,要耶穌給他們按 …
13 那時,有人帶著小孩子來見耶穌,要耶穌給他們按手禱告,門徒就責備那些人。 14 耶穌說:「讓小孩子到我這裡來,不要禁止他們,因為在天國的正是這樣的人。
What does Revelation 19:13 mean? - BibleRef.com
What does Revelation 19:13 mean? Jesus has returned, this time as a conquering King and the unquestioned Lord of lords. John observes that Jesus' robe was dipped in blood. This is not a reference to the blood He shed on the cross for our sins. Rather, given the military context of this vision, it is the blood of his enemies.
詩篇 19:13 求你攔阻僕人,不犯任意妄為的罪,不容這罪轄制我, …
Psalm 19:13 English Revised Version Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me: then shall I be perfect, and I shall be clear from great transgression. 聖經寶庫 (Treasury of Scripture)
马太福音 19:13-15 含义 | TheBibleSays.com
小孩子被带到耶稣面前,门徒却把他们赶走。 耶稣叫他们回来,并说让他们来。 他告诉门徒,神的国属于他们,并在离开前为他们按手。 这一事件的对应记载是在 马可福音10:13-16 和 路加福音18:15-17。 在法利赛人试探 耶稣 有关离婚可接受的理由,以及门徒对婚姻的评述和 耶稣 就阉人的教导之后 (马太福音19:10-12), 有人带着小孩子来见耶稣。 小孩子 是年幼的,在父母和看护人的监护之下。 婴孩和幼童也在被 带来见耶稣 的 小孩子 当中。 路加将这些 小孩子 描述为婴孩 (路加 …
約翰福音 19:13 彼拉多聽見這話,就帶耶穌出來,到了一個地方, …
John 19:13 English Revised Version When Pilate therefore heard these words, he brought Jesus out, and sat down on the judgment-seat at a place called The Pavement, but in Hebrew, Gabbatha. 聖經寶庫 (Treasury of Scripture)
馬太福音19:13-30 - 611靈糧堂
2009年2月18日 · MP3: 馬太福音19:13-30. 為主撇下一切 一、 天國的子民 (v.13-15) 「那時,有人帶著小孩子來見耶穌,要耶穌給他們按手禱告,門徒就責備那些人。」(v.13)門徒就責備「那些人」,小孩一定是無辜的,換句話說門徒是與小孩的家長們起了衝突。
Revelation 19:13 NIV - He is dressed in a robe dipped in - Bible Gateway
Answer your questions on the Book, Chapter and Verse you are reading. Upgrade to BibleGateway+ for less than $5/mo. 13 He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name …
Revelation 19:13 ESV - He is clothed in a robe dipped in - Bible Gateway
13 He is clothed in a robe dipped in blood, and the name by which he is called is The Word of God. Read full chapter
Bible Gateway passage: Revelation 19:13 - King James Version
13 And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God. Read full chapter