My liver is enlarged. it is 19 cm. does that mean something
2019年6月15日 · I had a Fribroscan, liver is good 3.5 kPa, but MRI shows the liver is 19.1 cm enlarged. Heart stress passed with flying colors scored in the high 90s. So what is wrong with this liver if anything? U/s for gallbladder polyp and liver cyst came back fine except said spleen mild enlarge 12.2 cm. I am 48 and 5"9. Scared what does this mean?
what does "enlarged liver craniocaudad measurment 19cm. no …
2018年4月5日 · Enlarged liver: This means your liver is larger than normal in the craniocaudad dimension (measuring from head to toe). The "normal" measurement for a liver is up to 17 cm. "no focal abnormalities" means that no liver lesion is seen on …
Liver 19cm in length with normal density. is this a good thing??
2018年3月21日 · How big should a 5 9 1/2 tall man's liver be in length? Mine is 16.7 cm on ultrasound, which states it is enlarged, but what is normal for my height? The liver measures 14.3 cm in sagittal length It has a normal echotexture. Liver surface is smooth. Portal vein patent with normal hepatopedal flow within it. Normal ???
mildly enlarged liver 18cm echogenicity and contour normal all …
2018年6月26日 · Ultrasound in the posterior neck. There is a 2.0 x 0.7 x 1.0 cm well-defined hypoechoic mildly lobulated nodule that is wider than tall and demonstrates eccentrically increased echogenicity with blood flow. There is no cystic or necrotic change?
what causes enlarged liver (20.5cm) with normal lfts? only …
2017年6月26日 · Enlarged liver: As a start, someone needs to reevaluate that test and determine what portion of the liver was measured. 20 cm at the midclavicular line is large, but it is not in other planes. In the US, the most likely reason would be fatty liver, which is supported by the BMI of 25, which the NIH would say is overweight, but you need to be ...
i am a 19 years old male, is there even the slimmest of ... - HealthTap
2015年9月8日 · Unlikely to happen: If you entered puberty the same time as your friends ; your bone maturity is 19 yo or older there is little you can do to increase your height.A single x-ray of your left hand can be assessed for bone maturity.If bony maturity is more like 15 you might grow an additional couple of inches.Medicines won't help if the growth centers are closed/finished.
what does this mean?? 1. the isthmus appears thickening
2016年8月31日 · Hi i have 2 noduels on my thyroid one is 6.7 cm x2cm in size heterogeneous in echogenicity but predominantly cystic and 5x1.7 hypoechic nod left lobe? Enlarged left lobe 8.9x4.2x4.6 -Heterogeneous nodule 5.9x4.9x4.6 cm with vascularity. Sub CM short axis Lnodes with eccentric cortex up to 0.5 cm thickness.
More of what we treat - HealthTap
2020年12月16日 · Aortic root 3.5cm, ascending aorta 3 cm, LVOT diameter 19.cm. 86 year old man (not overweight) are these good numbers? Is a 3.8 CM ectasia of the descending aorta anything to be concerned about for a 50 year old male? I am a 74 year old male in good health.
What is the average penis length for a 13 year old boy in
2023年7月5日 · According to a study done on 6200 healthy Bulgarian males aged 1-19, the average STRETCHED flaccid penis length for a 13 year old boy was determined to be about 2.8 inches +/- 0.6 inch standard deviation. Keep in mind that there is major individual variation.
what does a higher than normal range ivsd, lvpwd and lvpws
2014年4月1日 · What does a higher than normal range ivsd, lvpwd and lvpws means in an heart echocardiogram? what does an fs% lower than normal mean too? mine at 28%