M1918 Browning automatic rifle - Wikipedia
A US soldier in France demonstrates a Browning Automatic Rifle in November 1918. At its inception, the M1918 was intended to be used as a shoulder-fired rifle capable of both semi-automatic and fully automatic fire.
白朗寧自動步槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
白朗寧自動步槍(英語: Browning Automatic Rifle ,簡稱:BAR),是美军在20世纪上半叶使用的一种自动步枪。 在 第一次世界大戰 期間, 美國 軍隊參戰後發現,在 歐洲 大陸環境惡劣的 塹壕戰 中,他們缺乏密集的火力。
勃朗宁自动步枪 - 百度百科
当美国加入 第二次世界大战 后,bar的 需求量 急剧增加,于是美国政府找了 ibm 公司和 新英格兰 轻武器 公司作为m1918a2的生产承包商,这两家公司在第二次世界大战期间一共生产了168,000支m1918a2。
M1918 BAR ——〖枪炮世界〗
m1918 型是bar第一种型号,这 是一种可选射击方式的自动步枪,采用活塞长行程导气式工作原理,导气装置在枪管下方。机匣是由一整块钢机加工而成。 机匣是由一整块钢机加工而成。
Browning Automatic Rifle - The Army Historical Foundation
In the autumn of 1918, a powerful new American weapon was introduced to provide assault troops that type of weapon: the Browning Automatic Rifle, then and thereafter known simply as the BAR (not “bar”). The BAR gave attacking troops a genuine tactical advantage in the offensive.
The Browning M1918 BAR :: Guns.com
2013年4月2日 · With a design period that was only a couple months from initial concept to full rate production, the first BARs were sent to France by early 1918. Val Browning (son of John Moses) recreates the...
A brief history of the Browning BAR. - Browning North America
2009年7月26日 · Much of the fame of today's sporting BAR began through the fame of the original military BAR designed by John M. Browning near the end of World War I. This rifle, called the BAR M1918, was commissioned by the U.S. Army in an effort to break the stalemate of trench warfare in the battlefields of France and Belgium.
枪械科普:M1918 BAR - 哔哩哔哩
勃朗宁自动步枪 (英语:Browning Automatic Rifle,简称: BAR ),是美军在20世纪上半叶使用的一种自动步枪。在第一次世界大战期间,美国军队参战后发现,在欧洲大陆环境恶劣的堑壕战中,他们缺乏密集的火力。
M1918 Browning Automatic Rifle - Simple English Wikipedia, …
The Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR) was a group of American automatic rifles and light machine guns. It was used by the United States and several other countries. The most-used type of BAR was the M1918. It was designed by John Browning in 1917. It was supposed to replace the French Chauchat and the M1909 Benet-Mercie machine guns.
The U.S. Model Of 1918 Browning Automatic Rifle
2018年8月23日 · The gas-operated Model 1918 BAR weighed approximately 16 lbs., fed from a 20-round detachable box magazine and could fire either semi-automatically or full-automatic at a rate of approximately...
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