1985 YZ250 Rebuild - Yamaha 2 Stroke - ThumperTalk
2009年6月8日 · 1985 YZ250 Rebuild. By doormatt, June 8, 2009 in Yamaha 2 Stroke. Share More sharing options... Followers 0.
1984/85 YZ250 rebuild project - Yamaha 2 Stroke - ThumperTalk
2016年7月8日 · Blessings because this will lead to a ton of parts available for it for a reasonable price. The B.A.S.S. shock will be a royal pain to get rebuilt. I have a 1985 YZ 125-N that was even more undesirable than the 250.The tank is available from Clark but it is one of the more pricey parts. I'm trying to get my forks figured out at the moment.
Just bought a 1985 YZ250 - Yamaha 2 Stroke - ThumperTalk
2006年8月15日 · 1985 YZ's also had the funky B.A.S.S. system, suppose to reduce compression damping during braking (cable connected from shock to rear brake pedal). There is an adjustment for this also that affects compression damping.
2021年2月16日 · 1985 YZ250 Jeremy McGrath is probably better known for his years at Honda, but in 1998, 1999 and 2000 he won Supercross titles on a YZ250. In that time his closest rival was fellow Yamaha YZ250 rider David Vuillemin. The last National Motocross Championship to be earned by the YZ was the 2004 Supercross title with Chad Reed. 1987 YZ250 OFF-ROAD
Yamaha YZ250 1985 Reviews - ThumperTalk
2013年2月23日 · Yamaha YZ250 1985 Reviews. Read and compare owner reviews & ratings of Yamaha YZ250 1985. Vehicle specs ...
1985 YZ250 rear shock - Vintage Dirt Bikes - ThumperTalk
2010年2月12日 · 1985 YZ250 rear shock. By bergman501, February 12, 2010 in Vintage Dirt Bikes. Share More sharing options
How can I lower my 1985 YZ250? - ThumperTalk
2016年3月21日 · First off this is my first time posting here, So if I do something wrong please let me know. I just picked up a 1985 YZ250 a couple days ago, the first thing I noticed is how tall the bike is..(I'm 5' 5") is there any way to lower the bike? If I …
1985 YZ250 almost no spark - Yamaha 2 Stroke - ThumperTalk
2014年1月28日 · Hi all,I am new to this site because I just picked up a 1985 YZ250 that had no spark. The PO had a shop install a new Stator, The plug is good and tried kicking it over with a spark gap tester, Nothing. The coil reads 3-4 ohms primary and significantly more on the secondary ( I forget the #) the ...
1985 YZ250 Airfilter Cage - Yamaha 2 Stroke - ThumperTalk
2018年11月22日 · Hello, second post on the board here. Have a new to me, mostly complete, 1985 YZ250, trying to sort out various bits and pieces. One is the air filter, cage, and retaining bolt are MIA. The cage is the one thing i cant find.
1984/85 yamaha yz 250 restoration - Yamaha 2 Stroke
2018年11月16日 · Hey everyone, Last weekend I bought an yamaha yz 250 from 84/85, and I'm planning to rebuild the complete bike. And would try to documenting the rebuild, so here I am. Let's start with a picture of how I the bike was wen I bought it. The bike was running and shifting to all the gears, and the bik...