old Kawasaki kx80 specifications | The Dirt Bike - DirtRider.Net
2002年2月2日 · Hello all, Can someone tell me if there is a site that has specs for a 1987 Kawasaki KX80? Specs such as needle size, main jet size, float height, settings, etc. Thanks.
1987 kx 80 | Kawasaki Motorcycle Forums
2009年8月22日 · 1987 kx 80 Jump to Latest 2.8K views 5 replies 3 participants last post by KDXGarage Aug 26, 2009
KX-80 clutch basket problem | Kawasaki Motorcycle Forums
2009年3月30日 · I just replaced the clutch on my sons 1987 KX-80. When I tighten the 5 bolts that hold the springs in the clutch basket, they become compressed all the way down. I bought a manual and all it says it tighten the bolts down tight. Is there anyone out there that can explain to me what I am doing...
1987 KX80 no start - Kawasaki Motorcycle Forums
2009年9月16日 · 1987 KX80 no start Jump to Latest 3.2K views 7 replies 4 participants last post by robby12 Nov 22, 2009
How to identify early 80's KX80? | Kawasaki Motorcycle Forums
2008年3月31日 · The VIN code is 17 digits long. The first digit is the country code, which is J for Japan. The second digit is the company code, which is K for Kawasaki. The third digit is the vehicle type or manufacturing division. I have seen "A" on various KDX and KX models. The fourth through eigth digits show various features and styles of the vehicle.
1987 kx big wheel 80 | Kawasaki Motorcycle Forums
2008年6月4日 · 1987 kx big wheel 80 Jump to Latest 607 views 2 replies 2 participants last post by Tod Jun 6, 2008
1987 kx80 cylinder swap question | The Dirt Bike | Motocross ...
2007年6月30日 · I bought my daughter a 1987 kx80 dirtbike. The jug is totally shot on the bike. Can you put a newer jug on the base of the 87. I know the newer bikes have 5 bolts on the head but I was wondering if you could use the jug and head of a newer bike on it. Thanks for any help. I was going to fix this...
1987 kx 80 parts | The Dirt Bike | Motocross | Supercross Forum at ...
2002年2月16日 · Hello all, I have a couple of questions for all you dirt bike maniacs out there. 1.Is there a rear shock available for a 1987 KX 80 that is shorter than stock? 2. Is there a shorter shock from some other bike that might mount up without …
1985 KX80 bore? - Kawasaki Motorcycle Forums
2008年2月14日 · Just got a 1985 kx80 and i new it needed a piston and rings, but it looks like the ring or something came apart insided the engine and the cylinders scored up preety bad. I would like to bore it to 100-105cc. I read something about the cylinders having somekind of coating, and i was wondering if...
1987 kx 80 fork - Kawasaki Motorcycle Forums
2011年9月3日 · 1987 kx 80 fork ?? Jump to Latest 1.3K views 0 replies 1 participant last post by skipcheck Sep 3, 2011