19th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (2nd Latvian)
Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS (lettische Nr. 2), Latvian: 19. SS grenadieru divīzija (latviešu Nr. 2)) was an infantry division of the Waffen-SS during World War II. It was the second Latvian division formed in January 1944, after its sister unit, the 15th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (1st Latvian) with which it formed the Latvian ...
19th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (2nd Latvian)
The 19th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (2nd Latvian) was an Infantry Division of the Waffen SS during World War II. It was the second Latvian division formed in January 1944, after its sister unit, the 15th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (1st Latvian) with which it …
Latvian Legion - Wikipedia
The 19th Division held out in the Courland Pocket until May 1945, the close of World War II, when it was among the last of Nazi Germany 's forces to surrender. [8] The Latvian Legion was created in January 1943 on the orders of Adolf Hitler following a …
List of Waffen-SS divisions - Wikipedia
All Waffen-SS divisions were ordered in a single series of numbers as formed, regardless of type. [1] Those with ethnic groups listed were at least nominally recruited from those groups. Many of the higher-numbered units were divisions in name only, being in reality only small battlegroups (Kampfgruppen).
19. ieroču SS grenadieru divīzija (latviešu Nr. 2) — Vikipēdija
1943. gada 23. janvārī Vācu reiha fīrers Ādolfs Hitlers "atļāva un pavēlēja" SS reihsfīreram Heinriham Himleram (Himmler) izveidot Latviešu SS brīvprātīgo leģionu. Šajā sakarā Himlers 24. janvārī, pēc atgriešanās no Austrumu frontes apmeklējuma, nosūtīja radiogrammu 2.
关于武装党卫队必须解释的问题 - 知乎
SS-志愿师(SS-Freiwilligen-Division):由欧洲日尔曼裔人和德意志裔人(Volksdeutsche)组成,被定为二级作战部队-Kampftruppe der Klasse2,主要用于非主要方向和防御战。 比如5th ss唯京师,11th ss北欧师
OOB of 19th SS Panzergrenadier Regiment Battalion/Company, 9th SS ...
2019年10月24日 · Nafziger has a second OOB for the division on 9/25/1944, from what I can tell, 19th SS Panzergreandier Regiment ceased to exist around the period of Arnhem. It only lists four Panzergrenadier companies across two named battalions as part of the division.
19. ieroču SS grenadieru divīzija (latviešu Nr.2) - Historia
- latviešu militārais formējums Latviešu leģiona sastāvā Otrā pasaules kara laikā. 1943.gada 23.janvārī Vācu reiha fīrers Ādolfs Hitlers “atļāva un pavēlēja” SS reihsfīreram Heinriham Himleram (Himmler) izveidot Latviešu SS brīvprātīgo leģionu.
Panzer Grenadier Headquarters - Library: Germany 19th SS ...
PG-HQ Library - Panzer Grenadier Hall > Formations > 19th SS Panzergrenadier Regiment
Latvian SS Volunteer Legion - Real History Online
2023年2月13日 · On December 18, 1943, a gendarmerie company of the 19th Latvian SS division shot about 250 civilians in the village of Zalya Gora, west of Novgorod. In early January 1944, the company took part in mass executions in the city of Chudovo, Leningrad Region.