1bit-ui is a small CSS library for making retro-inspired web pages using two colors. Its color palette is completely customizable using CSS Custom Properties (or CSS Variables). Click the …
wavebeem/1bit-ui: 1-bit UI CSS library - GitHub
1bit-ui is a CSS library for making retro-inspired web pages using just two colors. Go to 1bit-ui.wavebeem.com for examples, documentation, and usage.
Top game assets tagged 1-bit - itch.io
Find game assets tagged 1-bit like 1-Bit Patterns and Tiles, Monochrome Caves, CanariPack 1BIT TopDown, 1700+ 1Bit Game Assets & PixaTool, Urizen 1Bit Tileset - 12x12, all themes, …
Documentation | 1bit-ui
This page demonstrates some of the ways 1bit-ui can be used, as well as code for its examples. Basics. All CSS classes from 1bit-ui start with .bit-. This way you'll always know when you're …
Top game assets tagged 1-bit and User Interface (UI) - itch.io
Find game assets tagged 1-bit and User Interface (UI) like Fool, 1-Bit Game UI Pack, Healzone pixel & classic fonts, Hexany's 1-bit UI Panels, Game UI on itch.io, the indie game hosting …
像素宝典 #11 1-bit、UI、黑暗、模块动画 - 游戏开发论坛
2020年3月30日 · 学习 1-bit 的好处是,它对所有类型的像素画都很有帮助,比如: 取自游戏《蔚蓝》 我给“蔚蓝”画的这些小玩意本质上不算纯 1-bit,但是了解 1-bit 的画法对我设计这些有很 …
1bit-ui - GitHub
1bit-ui is a CSS library for making retro-inspired web pages using just two colors. \n. Go to 1bit-ui.wavebeem.com for examples, documentation, and usage. \n
2024年8月29日 · 几种1bit黑白像素图形用户界面GUI生命条素材,包括有: 传统的长条生命条; 心形生命值; 两种不同的圆形生命条。
Examples | 1bit-ui
A CSS library for 1-bit inspired design. 1bit-ui. Home; Documentation; Example; Form Example. Welcome Back! Display Name. Favorite Animal. Log In. Edit Profile.
1bit-ui:复古风格网页的双色CSS库 - CSDN文库
2024年12月24日 · 资源摘要信息:"1bit-ui是一个轻量级的CSS库,专门用于创建只包含两种颜色(通常是黑白)的复古风格网页界面。 它提供了一系列预先设计好的CSS样式和组件,让用 …