The CFETP is the overarching guide for the 1D7XX/X career field and provides the foundation for effective and efficient training for Cyber Defense Operations Airmen in each 1D7XX/X shred at the appropriate points in their careers. This plan enables the Air Force to train today's work force for tomorrow's technology.
A CFETP is a comprehensive core training document that identifies: life-cycle education and training requirements; training support resources; and minimum core task requirements for a specialty.
Career Field Education and Training Plan (CFETP) – A comprehensive core training document that identifies life-cycle education and training requirements, training support resources, and minimum core task requirements for a specialty.
Career Field Education and Training Plan (CFETP) - AF
The CFETP provides a consolidated framework for commanders, training managers, supervisors, and trainers to plan, develop, manage, and conduct an effective and efficient development program. The plan outlines the training and competencies individuals in this occupational series should obtain in order to develop and progress throughout their ...
1D7X1 - Cyber Defense Operations AFSC - Forever Wingman
Manages and performs Defensive Cyber Operations (DCO) and cyber functions (DoDIN operations) in garrison and in deployed environments. Surveys, secures, protects, defends, preserves, designs, builds, operates, and extends data, networks, net-centric capabilities, and other designated systems.
Air Force Cyber Defense Operations (1D7X1): 2023 Career Details
2024年5月22日 · The Air Force Field Education and Training Plan (CFETP) outlines the proposed stages of progression toward becoming 1D7X1: The purpose of the CFETP is to identify the necessary requirements and qualifications of each AFSC. Currently, the CFETP plans to divide training programs based on the “level” of the cyber support specialist.
- 评论数: 59
2023年7月31日 · This CFETP provides the information necessary for AFCFM, MFMs, commanders, training managers, supervisors and trainers to plan, develop, manage, and conduct an effective and efficient career field training program. The plan outlines the Air Force Specialty (AFS) training individuals should receive to develop and progress throughout their career.
1D Cyber Defense Operations | mosroadmap.com
The CFETP is the overarching guide for the 1D7XX/X career field. It provides the foundation for effective and efficient training for Cyber Defense Operations Airmen.
CFETP 1D7XX Flashcards - Quizlet
This Cyber Defense Operations Career Field Education and Training Plan (CFETP) outlines the foundational life cycle education and training requirements, resources, and core tasks for each specialization within this new framework. The CFETP offers Airmen a well-defined career trajectory, instilling rigor in all facets of career field training.
AFSC 1D7XX Cyber Defense Operations EPR Bullets
- Led dvlpmnt f/DCO CFETP; liaised 3 Deltas/composed 598 rqmts f/7 positions--evolved STARCOM Cyber trng prgm - Led Global ASI tracking; deconflicted 2.7K SIE ntwk interruptions--yielded 0 crct failure f/5 AFG POND/retrograde - MAJCOM ASI manager; de-conflicted ### service interruptions to 103 sites--pivotal to MAJCOM 99% C4I uptime ...
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