1D8GT, Tube 1D8GT; Röhre 1D8GT ID4138, Diode-Triode …
Tube 1D8GT or Röhre 1D8GT ID4138, Diode-Triode-Pentode, Octal (Int.Octal, IO) K8A, USA 1935 and Power/Output shown. Radio tubes are valves.
1D8GT @ The Valve Museum - r-type.org
The 1D8GT is a diode triode pentode. The three sections in a non superhet receiver would provide demodulation AF voltage amplifier and output valve in the single envelope. The RCA logo on the base.
略谈中外电子管型号及其例外 - 〓电子管技术区〓 - 矿石收音机论 …
2017年3月10日 · 1D8GT和3A8GT太少,还没见过实物,但也都是特例里面的独苗苗。 其他类似的比如3A4、3B4、3C4、3Q4、3S4、3V4都是灯丝2.8V的直热强放管;6F6、6G6G、6K6GT、6L6G、6V6GT、6U6GT、6W6GT、6Y6GT都是灯丝6.3V的旁热式强放管;6C5、6F5、6J5、6K5G、6L5G、6P5G都是灯丝6.3V的旁热式三极管;6E5、6G5、6N5、6U5都是灯丝6.3V的调谐指示管,等等。
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1D8GT - Tube Data
Title: 1D8GT Author: RCA Subject: JA-FP-2002-06-07 Created Date: 6/7/2002 11:28:52 PM
1941 Two-Tube Superhet - OneTubeRadio.com
2016年10月9日 · But with advances in tube technology, this two-tube set was now possible. A 1A7GT pentagrid tube served as first detector and local oscillator. This was fed to the triode section of a 1D8GT which served as detector. The other half of the 1D8GT served as audio amplifier to drive the speaker.
Vintage RCA 1D8GT/VT148 Diode Triode Pentode Battery …
Model 1D8GT. Diode Triode Pentode. Diode is used as detector or AVC tube - triode as first audio amplifier - pentode as power output tube. Vf 1.4 Volts / If 0.1 Ampere / Direct / Battery =. New in Box (NOS).
Electronic Valve - Hygrade, Diode-Triode-Pentode, Type 1D8GT, …
item ST 32893 Electronic Valve - RCA, Diode-Triode-Pentode, Type 1D8GT, 1939-1945. Information & Communication, Engineering This valve combined detector, first audio stage and output valve in the one envelope. It was intended for use in portable radios. It was popular with manufacturers because it saved a valve ...
1D8GT diode-triode-pentode. - UK Vintage Radio Repair and …
2015年6月13日 · Found this interesting valve today while sorting out my valve stock. It is the 1D8GT diode-triode-pentode. I'm sure I can find a use for this unusual 1.4volt battery valve. There was also a "G" version: 1D8G. Location: Leominster, Herefordshire, UK. …
1D8, Tube 1D8; Röhre 1D8 ID10513, LOCKED OFF PART (CODE 9 ...
Common type USA tube/semicond. This tube is a 1D8GT, glass octal type, not existing as a 1D8 (metal) but often incorrect named as 1D8 - see 1D8. 1D8: Mia raccolta schemi. You reach this tube or valve page from a search after clicking the "tubes" tab or by clicking a …
1944 British One Tube Regen - OneTubeRadio.com
2019年9月27日 · 75 years ago this month, the September 1944 issue of the British publication Practical Wireless carried the plans for this very basic wartime one-tube regenerative receiver. The set employed a 1D8GT dual tube, half of which served as detector, with the other half serving as AF amp, providing about 100 mW of audio to the speaker.