Canon EOS-1Ds - Wikipedia
The EOS-1Ds is a full-frame 11.1-megapixel digital SLR camera body made by Canon in the 1Ds series, released on 24 September 2002. [3] It was Canon's first full-frame DSLR. [4] Its dimensions are 156 x 157.6 x 79.9 mm (6.1 x 6.2 x 3.1 in.) and mass (without a …
Canon EOS-1Ds Review: Digital Photography Review
2002年12月17日 · The EOS-1Ds is Canon's newest professional SLR. Based on the EOS-1D body the EOS-1Ds raises resolution to 11 megapixels, uses a CMOS sensor (just like the EOS-D30 and D60) and is the first Canon digital SLR with a sensor which captures a full 35 mm frame.
难以撼动的王者!佳能EOS 1Ds MarkⅢ评测 - fengniao.com
佳能的EOS 1D系列已经陆陆续续推出了三代,专业的机身操作感受和成像素质都可以说是使用135画幅用户的终极追求。 EOS 1Ds系列更是在像素方面超越了EOS 1D系列,站在了时代的最前沿,是在商业摄影用户中炙手可热的设备。 EOS 1Ds系列更新的速度非常慢,但是每一代更新都是足以撼动整个数码单反市场的一记重拳。 时隔三年,在EOS 1Ds MarkⅡ依旧傲视群雄之时,佳能再次对曲高和寡的EOS 1Ds系列进行了升级,推出了EOS 1Ds MarkⅢ顶级数码单反相机。 佳 …
EOS-1Ds - 佳能相机博物馆 - Canon Global
佳能EOS-1Ds是一款专业自动对焦单镜头反光式数码相机,主要为需要高画质的照相室摄影师而设计。 EOS-1Ds采用新研发的35mm全画幅CMOS图像感应器 (约35.8×23.8 mm),允许用户充分利用佳能全线EF镜头提供的视角,达到与当前35 mm单镜头反光式相机同水平的不受限制的镜头性能。 EOS-1Ds将约1110万有效像素的高分辨率与RGB原色滤镜相结合,可以拍摄出高精细图像,在当时作为自动对焦单镜头反光式相机,具备惊人的高画质。 在进一步应对专业用户的需求方 …
产品天地 - EOS数码单反相机 - EOS-1Ds Mark III - 佳能(中国)
介绍佳能数码单反相机EOS-1Ds Mark III主要产品规格的页面。
佳能EOS-1Ds - 百度百科
佳能EOS-1Ds是一部自动对焦/自动曝光单镜头反光式数码相机,支持1型和2型 CF卡 存储,图像尺寸为35.8×23.8 mm (1.4×1英寸),兼容佳能EF卡口镜头。 具有电子控制 焦平面快门 ,快门速度可达1/8000到30秒(以1/3级为增量),B门,闪光同步速度为1/250秒, 快门 释放为轻触 ...
Canon EOS-1Ds series - Wikipedia
The EOS-1Ds is a series of full-frame digital SLR camera bodies made by Canon, first released on 24 September 2002. [1] . The series was replaced in March 2012 with the 1D X. Being an autofocus camera, it has two autofocus modes, and an option for manual focusing. Its viewfinder is a glass pentaprism.
佳能EOS-1Ds Mark III网友点评 - xitek.com
EOS-1Ds Mark III采用2110万有效像素CMOS,2个高性能数字影像处理器DIGIC III,23万像素3.0英寸彩色TFT LCD,大字幕显示,取景器放大倍率为0.76倍,感光度为ISO 100~1600 (可扩展至ISO 3200)。 沿用20D的9点对焦方式,但改进了速度、精度与功能。 ...(详细内容) 到了2023年9月的今天这个点,2300块,几乎95成新,功能完善,电池全新。 手里还有Z7 D3s D700 5Dclassic A9 A7r3 ZVE1 Q RXr1,色彩追舒服的有5D1代、Q、RXr1和这台大马三. 如今不 …
EOS-1Ds - Canon Camera Museum - Canon Global
The Canon EOS-1Ds is a professional digital AF SLR camera developed primarily for studio photographers, who demand the highest image quality. Featuring a newly developed full-frame 35 mm CMOS sensor (35.8 x 23.8 mm), the EOS-1Ds enables users to fully utilize the angles of view offered by the entire range of Canon EF lenses, permitting ...
EOS-1Ds Mark II - Canon Camera Museum - Canon Global
The Canon EOS-1Ds Mark II, replacing the 11.1-megapixel EOS-1Ds, is a professional digital AF SLR camera developed primarily to meet the needs of portrait and studio photographers, who demand the highest image quality.