PF Spell DB
Abeyance suppresses the effects of a single curse on a creature. Surrounds the target with layers of force. The Garundi tenaciously protect their homes, and through the years they have perfected magic to aid them in their defense. The targets are able to breathe water, freely. Removes enchantments and forgives actions taken under their effects.
D&D 1E 1e Spell Spreadsheet - EN World
2014年1月16日 · Lists spells by class and level, individual explanations of magic "type/school" [transmutation, illusion, etc. etc.], components, range, duration, casting time...all the good stuff. I can't tell if the spell descriptions are verbatim from the PHB, but they certainly tell you everything you need to know.
Category:1st edition spells | Forgotten Realms Wiki | Fandom
Category:Magic-user spells (1e) P Category:Paladin spells (1e) R Category:Ranger spells (1e) S Category:Shukenja spells (1e) Category:Sohei spells (1e) W Category:Witch doctor spells (1e) Category:Wu jen spells (1e) Categories Categories: Spells by edition; Add category;
AD&D 1st Edition - Magic User Spells
MAGIC USER SPELLS Unlike clerical and druidic spells, magic user spells (also known as Arcane spells in the OSRIC system) do not require a holy symbol or mistletoe as material components. With arcane words and gestures, the magic user may command small fires, up to a limit of 1½ ft in radius, to grow smaller or larger.
Spell List Index - Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
Spell List Index. Order of Presentation: The first spell lists presented are the lists of spells separated by class and level. These include the spell name and a brief and incomplete description of the spell. Immediately after those lists is a complete list of all spells with full descriptions of those spells listed.
Classes - d20PFSRD
Each new class presents interesting character themes and special abilities. The alchemist is the master of alchemy, using extracts to grant him great power, mutagens to enhance his form, and bombs to destroy his enemies.
Category:Magic-user spells (1e) - Forgotten Realms Wiki
All 1st edition magic-user spells.
Spells by Class - d20PFSRD
Subscribe to the Open Gaming Network and get everything ad-free! Home >Magic > . Spells by Class
Master MAGIC-USER Spell list - BOB SENK
Master MAGIC-USER Spell list This character class has been culled from a back issue of Dragon(tm) Magazine and details a character classes for use in a 1st Edition AD&D game. Click on the link below to bring up the spells available to the class
Dragonsfoot - Spell Library - Class List
Free fantasy roleplay material for advanced dungeons and dragons AD&D and lejendary adventures.