1hz Watch Faces - Q&A - Garmin Forums
1hz is only available on some watches. The f5, f5s, f5x, 935, and Q5, but if you support a bunch of different watches, you can easily have it on some and not others. 1hz happens by way of a …
How to set PWM frequency to 1 Hz on an UNO - Arduino Forum
Nov 29, 2018 · I would like to set a pwm output on my UNO to run at a 1 Hz frequency and then, by analogWrite, set it at 10% or 90% dutycycle. Can that be done? If so, how do I do it? The …
1hz clock - General Electronics - Arduino Forum
May 24, 2011 · I am thinking about making a no-microcontroller clock/timer/stopwatch (74 series ICs only + passive components, preferably). To make it as simple as possible I want to have a …
ds3231 SQW enable 1hz practicing - Arduino Forum
Sep 24, 2018 · Hello, i am learning how to use I2C, speccially with ds3231 for starting, there are a lot of libraries to make ds3231 work but i want to learn from scratch, i´ve been readiing some …
Help with writing to registers for 1Hz pwm and timer interrupt
Sep 8, 2021 · One is to measure mains grid frequency using a optocoupler and an external interrupt. The second code is to create a PWM on pin 9 with a frequency of 1Hz. I am …
Gps code von 1Hz auf 10Hz aendern. - Deutsch - Arduino Forum
Aug 29, 2017 · Moin moin, ich habe hier ein Programm (nennt sich Ghettoproxy) was auf einem Arduino Pro mini läuft und aus einem GPS Protokoll (NMEA) ein anderes Protokoll (LTM) …
ESP32 - What is the minimum PWM frequency? - Arduino Forum
Aug 21, 2020 · Hi, I can find lots of "hits" for MAX PWM Frequency, but I want Sub-Hz values (0.1 - 0.5Hz). Using this commonly found technique: int PWM_FREQUENCY = 1; // this variable is …
50% duty cycle square wave from 1hz to 1Mhz, easiest way?
Jul 27, 2012 · Like said in the subject what would be the easiest way to make an adjustable square wave(50% duty cycle) that can be adjusted from 1hz(doesn't have to be that low but …
A 1Hz Source. Have I done this correctly? - Arduino Forum
Jul 25, 2017 · I want the ATTiny85 asleep as much as possible, only really awoken on the tick of 1 second (1Hz) or when a button is pressed. The issue with a crystal on the attiny85 is it eats up …
1Hz PWM - Interfacing - Arduino Forum
Apr 11, 2010 · Hi, I've just ordered an arduino board for a new project I'm working on. I need a PWM output running at about 1Hz to drive a SSR... I've been browsing the documentation and …