1N400 Datasheet, PDF - Alldatasheet
Description: 10 WATT ZENER DIODES. 2,867 Results. Part #: 1N4000A. Datasheet: 103Kb/2P. Manufacturer: Microsemi Corporation.
Datasheet contains the design specifications for product development. Specifications may change in any manner without notice. Datasheet contains preliminary data; supplementary data will be …
1N4007_YONGYUTAI (永裕泰)_1N4007中文资料_PDF手册_价格-立 …
Diodes Incorporated 1N400 Series Rectifiers – Mouser
Diodes Incorporated 1N400 Series Rectifiers are available at Mouser Electronics. Mouser offers inventory, pricing, & datasheets for Diodes Incorporated 1N400 Series Rectifiers.
For use in general purpose rectification of power supplies, inverters, converters, and freewheeling diodes application. ALL PRODUCT, PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS AND DATA ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE TO IMPROVE RELIABILITY, FUNCTION OR …
1N400x rectifier diode - Wikipedia
The 1N400x (or 1N4001 or 1N4000 [1]) series is a family of popular one- ampere general-purpose silicon rectifier diodes commonly used in AC adapters for common household appliances. Its blocking voltage varies from 50 volts (1N4001) to 1000 volts (1N4007).
常用二极管介绍和整流二极管1N4007参数解读 - CSDN博客
Feb 2, 2021 · 1, 正向压降 是指使二极管能够导通的正向最低电压,1N4007是一种硅材料整流二极管,在小功率情况下正向导通电压约为0.6~0.8 V,在大功率情况下,正向压降往往达到1V左右; 2, 平均整流电流 是指二极管长期工作时允许通过的最大正向平均电流; 3, 最高反向耐压 是指当二极管反向偏置时,允许加在二极管两端的反向电压的最大值,当高于这个数值时,会将二极管击穿, 在交流通路中是指反复加上的峰值电压,在直流通路中是指连续加上的直流电压; …
This data sheet provides information on subminiature size, axial lead mounted rectifiers for general−purpose low−power applications. See detailed ordering and shipping information on page 4 of this data sheet. Preferred devices are recommended …
1N400x二极管 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
1N400x二极管 (又称1N4001或1N4000 [註 1] 二极管)是型号为1N4001至1N4007的一系列通用硅 二极管,其额定电流为1 A,反向耐压范围在50 V(1N4001)至1000 V(1N4007)之间,采用 通孔插装 式DO-41 封装。 [4][5] 而1N540x二极管和1N400x相似,但额定电流提升至3 A,适合大功率的电器设备使用,封装采用尺寸更大的DO-201AD加强散热。 [6][7] 除了最常用的两者外,也有公司生产额定电流更高 [8] 或者采用SMA和MELF等 表面安装技术 (SMT)封装 [9][10] 的 …
1N4001, 1N4002, 1N4003, 1N4004, 1N4005, 1N4006, 1N4007 …
Low forward voltage drop. Low leakage current. High forward surge capability. For use in general purpose rectification of power supplies, inverters, converters, and freewheeling diodes application.