Toyota NZ engine - Wikipedia
The 1NZ-FE is a 1.5 L (1,497 cc) conventional Otto-cycle variant of the 1NZ-FXE with VVT-i on the intake camshaft. The engine block is found in many Toyota models assembled in Japan and Asian countries. It retains the same bore and stroke, …
丰田NZ引擎 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
1NZ-FE是1NZ-FXE的1.5升 (1,497cc)传统奥托循环车型,配备VVT-i。 在日本和亚洲国家组装的许多丰田车型中都可以找到这种发动机缸体。 它保留了相同的缸径和冲程,但压缩比降低到10.5:1。 在6000转/分时输出功率为109马力(81千瓦;111马力),在4200转/分时扭矩为141牛-米(104磅-英尺)。 红线为6400转/分。 此发动机也授权由吉利制造和由丰田制造并出售装配给长城汽车。 1NZ-FXE是1.5 L(1,497 cc)的混合动力版本。 缸径和冲程为75毫米×84.7毫米(2.95英 …
丰田 1NZ-FE 发动机 - AvtoTachki
2023年2月17日 · nz 指数下的一系列丰田发动机是小体积的现代装置。 1nz-fe - 2000 开始生产。 通用特性使其能够用于许多备受关注的汽车,甚至获得许可用于其他汽车。
JDM 1NZ-FET TURBO ENGINE 1.5L Toyota Vitz RS Turbo/TRD Yaris 1NZFET …
The 1NZ-FET is a 1.5 L (1,497 cc) with an air-to-air intercooler Turbocharged conventional Otto-cycle variant of the 1NZ-FE with VVT-i. The engine block is found in many Toyota models assembled in Asian countries. It retains the same bore and stroke.
Toyota 1NZ-FE - Engine Specs
2018年10月25日 · The Toyota 1NZ-FE is a 1.5 L (1,497 cc, 91.35 cu-in) straight-four 4-stroke natural aspirated gasoline engine from Toyota NZ-family. The 1NZ-FE engine was manufactured on Kamigo Plant since 1999.
Toyota 1NZ-FE ,当年的一代神机 - automachi.com
2021年6月9日 · Toyota 1NZ-FE 是很多人都很熟悉的一款引擎,因为在很多的 Toyota 车款上面都可以看到这具引擎,其中 Vios 就是因为它因此才会给人有力且省油的印象,虽然说这具引擎已经从不少市场退役了,但是路上还是可以看到很多采用这具引擎的车款!
小四换装原版丰田1NZ-FE发动机的可能性有多大 - 汽车之家
2016年7月12日 · 众所周知,长城汽车看家的自然吸气发动机只有GW4G15,而这款发动机是几乎原封不动地照抄于丰田的1NZ-FE,就是上一款低配卡罗拉、花冠、高配威姿等丰田车型的那款发动机。 那么,求问小四版里正在或者曾经从事过汽修汽配行业的大侠们,单纯从技术角度讲,把小四的GW4G15换装成丰田1NZ-FE发动机的可能性有多大? 包括,机脚位置是否匹配? 如果尺寸差别不大,能否通过改机脚来适配? 最关键的一点,与小四现有的ECU电控系统能否匹配? 如 …
1NZ-FET - Toyota Yaris Forums - Ultimate Yaris Enthusiast Site
2018年12月28日 · 1st gen 1nz-fet are littered around the world (ncp13 rs/ts 2003-2005) 2nd gen 1nz-fet from a TRD turbo M (ncp91 2007-2010) ~between 1000-1500 made; was a dealer master kit. 3rd gen from a GRMN version (ncp131 8/2013 - ) ~200 made/yr. Toyota Corolla Axio 1.5GT also has a 1nzfet...with a different cooling setup.
Toyota 1NZ-FE/FXE 1.5 l engine - EngineDNA.com
2024年3月8日 · 1NZ-FE is the basic motor. Compression ratio 10.5, power 109 hp. Produced engine from 2000 to date. 1NZ-FXE – version for hybrid cars, works on the Atkinson cycle with delayed closing of the intake valve. Compression ratio is increased to 13, power 76 hp. The updated version has increased to 13.4 compression ratio and power of 74 hp.
Toyota 1NZ-FE/FXE 1.5L: Specs, Problems, and Reliability
The 1NZ-FE engine is a transverse powertrain designed for front-wheel-drive auto. It is an in-line, 4-cylinder, sequential fuel injection engine equipped with a twin-shaft overhead gas distribution (DOHC). The mechanism is driven by a narrow single-row roller chain with an 8 mm pitch between the links.