ACI 523.1R - Guide for Cast-in-Place Low-Density Cellular …
2006年1月1日 · Low-density cellular concrete (Fig. 1.1) is defined as concrete made with hydraulic cement, water, and preformed foam to form a hardened material having an oven-dry …
ACI PRC-523.1-06 Guide for Cast-in-Place Low Density Cellular …
This guide provides information on the materials, properties, design, proper handling, and applications of cast-in-place low-density cellular concretes having oven-dry densities of 50 lb/ft 3 (800 kg/m 3) or less. Roof deck systems and geotechnical applications often incorporate these low density cellular concretes.
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523.1r-06-guide-for-cast-in-place-low-density-cellular-concrete-3 …
The document provides guidelines for the production and testing of cast-in-place low-density cellular concrete, emphasizing the importance of using clean mixing water, stable preformed foam, and compatible aggregates and admixtures.
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SOD贴片二极管封装形式与尺寸 ( SOD-123/323/523)-CSDN博客
2024年10月10日 · SOD123 和 SOD323 是电子元件 封装 的两种标准, SOD123 的塑料体 尺寸 为长2.70毫米,宽1.60毫米,高1.10毫米,而 SOD323 的塑料体 尺寸 为长1.70毫米,宽1.30毫米,高1.00毫米,这些 尺寸 差异会影响到 二极管 的性能和使用场景。 SOD-123封装 在长度和宽度上都比 SOD-323封装 大。 这些 二极管封装 用 SOD 后面的一串数字进行区分,例如 SOD- 23, SOD-523, SOD323 等等。 SOD-123(12FN) 塑料体 尺寸: L 2.70mm, W 1.60mm, H 1.10mm; …
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ACI 523.1R: Guide for Cast-in-Place Low-Density Cellular
Low-density cellular concrete (Fig. 1.1) is defined as concrete made with hydraulic cement, water, and preformed foam to form a hardened material having an oven-dry density of 50 lb/ft 3 (800 kg/m 3) or less. These mixtures may include aggregate and other material components including, but not limited to, fly ash and chemical admixtures.