Transport evidence of asymmetric spin–orbit coupling in few-layer ...
2019年5月3日 · In this work, we systematically study the superconducting few-layer 1 Td -MoTe 2. A few-layer 1 Td -MoTe 2, unlike its 2 H structure counterparts, breaks both the in-plane mirror symmetry...
Synthesis of Large-Scale Monolayer 1T′-MoTe2 and Its …
2021年2月19日 · The authors used laser-induced phase patterning, a polymorph engineering, to fabricate an ohmic heterophase homojunction between semiconducting hexagonal (2H) and metallic monoclinic (1T') molybdenum ditelluride (MoTe2) that is stable up to 300° and increases the carrier mobility of the MoTe2 transistor by a factor of ∼50, while retaining a ...
前所未有!铁电+超导共存的二维材料,登Nature! - 知乎
双层Td-MoTe2在其超导转变温度(Tc)与载流子密度和温度的函数中也具有最大值,允许掺杂和极化的函数独立控制超导状态。 研究者发现,最大Tc伴随着补偿电子和空穴载流子密度,当其中一个费米口袋随着掺杂而消失时,最大Tc消失。
Coupled ferroelectricity and superconductivity in bilayer Td-MoTe2 …
2023年1月4日 · Here we show that bilayer T d -MoTe 2 simultaneously exhibits ferroelectric switching and superconductivity. Notably, a field-driven, first-order superconductor-to-normal transition is observed...
Enhanced Superconductivity in Monolayer Td-MoTe2
2021年3月9日 · Here, we report the dramatic enhancement of superconductivity with decreasing thickness in semimetallic Td -MoTe 2, with critical temperature (Tc) increasing up to 7.6 K for monolayers, a 60-fold increase with respect to the bulk Tc.
Chemical Vapor Deposition Growth of Few-Layer MoTe2 in the …
2016年12月19日 · Chemical vapor deposition allows the preparation of few-layer films of MoTe 2 in three distinct structural phases depending on the growth quench temperature: 2H, 1T′, and 1T. We present experimental and computed Raman spectra for each of the phases and utilize transport measurements to explore the properties of the 1T MoTe 2 phase.
几层超导1Td-MoTe2中不对称自旋轨道耦合的传输证据。,Nature …
2019年5月3日 · We show that this is a result of an asymmetric spin-orbit coupling in 1Td transition metal dichalcogenides. Our work provides transport evidence of a new type of asymmetric spin-orbit coupling in transition metal dichalcogenides which may give rise to novel superconducting and spin transport properties.
Temperature-driven topological transition in 1T'-MoTe2 | npj …
2018年1月16日 · These distinct quasiparticle scattering behaviors show that 1T'-MoTe2 is ideal for separating topological and trivial electronic phenomena via temperature-dependent measurements.
少层1Td-MoTe2的低温输运性质研究 - 豆丁网
2019年10月29日 · 近年来凝聚态物理研究的热点课题之一。本论文主要研究了少层1Td-MoTe2与. 1H-NbSe2的超导电性。作为自然界中为数不多的二维(2D)超导体,它们为研. 究二维极限下的超导电性提供了很好的平台。另外,MoTe2还被预测是2D拓扑
Mechanical responses of two-dimensional MoTe2; pristine 2H, 1T …
2018年4月1日 · We first studied the mechanical responses of pristine and single-layer 2H-, 1T- and 1T ′ -MoTe 2. In these cases we particularly analyzed the possibility of engineering of the electronic properties of these attractive 2D structures using the biaxial or uniaxial tensile loadings.