1 Jiao - People's Republic of China - Numista
Detailed information about the coin 1 Jiao, People's Republic of China, with pictures and collection and swap management: mintage, descriptions, metal, weight, size, value and other numismatic data Numista
Chinese Currency Explained - Mad About Shanghai
2018年12月6日 · On the coins, the 1 Yuan coin is the biggest, and it says Yi Yuan (1 Yuan). The 5 Jiao coin is gold and says Wu Jiao (5 Jiao) and the 1 Jiao coin is small and silver and says Yi Jiao (1 Jiao). The Fen coins are basically worthless, but they are easy to tell as they are very tinny and have only a number on it (ie. it doesn't actually say Fen).
China - People'S Republic 5 Jiao KM 336 Prices & Values - NGC
Explore China - People'S Republic 5 Jiao prices in the World Coin Price Guide, powered by Numismaster. It's available for free at NGCcoin.com.
5 Wu Jiao banknote China - Exchange yours for cash today
The banknote of 5 Wu Jiao is the equivalent of 0.5 Chinese Yuan. The Jiao is a subunit of the Chinese Renminbi. 10 Jiao is the equivalent of 1 Yuan. This purple coloured 5 Jiao banknote features Miao and Zhuang children and the National Emblem of the People’s Republic of China.
为什么很多明星都把角(jue)色读成角(jiao ... - 知乎
2015年8月25日 · 因为现实生活中,念jiao色的比念jue色的多的多! 已经到了约定俗成的地步了! 无妨碍交流,就无需上纲上线!
从刚登陆游戏时候 觉哥有自己说“疯不觉”这个名字有自嘲的意思 这么理解应该是jué吧? (猜) 我快不认识(觉)这个字了。 吐槽:究竟是疯不觉(..吐槽:究竟是疯不觉(jiao)还是疯不觉(jue)???个人认为应该是疯不觉。 为什么喜马拉雅fm一直觉(jue)哥觉哥的?
为什么角色的角念jue,却仍有人念Jiao ? - 知乎
无论jiao还是jue,其实这两个读音的本质是一个音。仅从中古韵书来看: 《唐韻》 古岳切 《集韻》 《韻會》 《正韻》 訖岳切, 音覺。 也就是角读为[kɔk](gok),本身是个入声字,而后在北方方言里渐渐归入阴上声,失去喉塞,演变为jiao3,构成了角的白读音。
DEMO_A_1WU-DEMO_A_1WU无线对讲/数据传输模块演示版/评 …
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Uang Kuno 1 Gepok Pecahan 5 Wu Jiao CNY China Tahun 1980 …
Uang Kuno 1 Gepok Pecahan 5 Wu Jiao CNY China Tahun 1980 Lengkap Box Original Grade UNC, 1 Gepok / 1 Lak Isi 100 Lembar Urut. Kertas Dijamin Original, Jaminan Uang Asli. Kondisi Uangnya :
1 Jiao (magnetic) - People's Republic of China – Numista
Detailed information about the coin 1 Jiao (magnetic), People's Republic of China, with pictures and collection and swap management: mintage, descriptions, metal, weight, size, value and other numismatic data
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